ABE 2012C: Introduction to Biological Engineering Prerequisites: MAC 2311 Credits: 3
ABE 3000C: Applications in Biological Engineering Prereq: This course requires a junior-level standing in engineering or permission of both the instructor and the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department. It is also expected that the student has basic courses in calculus, chemistry, physics, and biology. Credits: 3
ABE 3212C: Land and Water Resources Engineering Prereq: ENV3040c or CGN3421 or (COP2271&COP2271L) and MAP 2302 Credits: 4
ABE 3612C: Heat and Mass Transfer in Bio Systems Coreq: ENV 3040C or CGN 3421 or ESI 4327C or COP2271 and COP2271L Credits: 4
ABE 3652C: Physical and Rheological Properties of Biological Materials Prereq: CHM 2045, MAC 2313 and PHY 2048 Credits: 3
ABE 4033: Fundamentals and Applications of Biosensors Prereq: MAP 2302, BSC 2010 and CHM 2200 Credits: 3
ABE 4034: Remote Sensing in Engineering: Science, Sensors, and Applications Students will develop an understanding of remote sensing theory and systems in visible; infrared; and microwave regions of the EM spectrum. The course is three parts. The first part includes science and theoretical basis of remote sensing. The second part of the course involves system characteristics of sensors used in the three regions, including sensor design, calibration, and performance issues. The third part includes student presentations on various applications of remote sensing. The course is designed for upper-division undergraduate students in HWCOE who have a strong background in differential/integral calculus, and preferably, in applied physics. Semester Offered: Spring |
ABE 4042C: Biological Engineering Design 1 Credits: 2
ABE 4043C: Biological Engineering Design 2 Prereq: Senior standing (4EG), ABE 4042C, and two courses in the area of specialization Credits: 2 |
ABE 4171: Power and Machines for Biological Systems Prereq: EGM 3520 and EML 3007 Credits: 3 |
ABE 4231C: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Prereq: ABE 3212C Credits: 4
ABE 4320: Controlled Environment Agriculture Systems Design Pre-Requisites/Co-Requisites: Credits: 3
ABE 4413C: Postharvest Operations Engineering Prereq: ABE 3612C Credits: 3 |
ABE 4641: Modeling Coupled Natural-Human Systems Prereq: MAC2312 or equivalent (basic understanding of calculus) Semester Offered: Fall
ABE 4655C: Bio-based Products Prereq: CHM 2045 or CHM 2095 and CHM 2046 or CHM 2096 or equivalent general chemistry courses, or instructor permission Credits: 3
ABE 4662: Quantification of Biological Processes Prereq: ABE 2062 or BSC 2010, EGN 3353 or CWR 3201 Credits: 3
ABE 4812: Food and Bioprocess Engineering Unit Operations Prereq: ABE 3612C, CWR 3201 or EGN 3353C Credits: 4 |
ABE 4905: Individual Study in Biological Engineering Departmentally Controlled: Please complete the ABE4905 request form. If you are an ABE student, follow the instruction provided on the ABE Canvas page on how to fill out and submit the signed ABE4905 request form. Credits: 1-4Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer |
ABE 4912: Integrated Product and Processing Design 1 in Biological Engineering Credits: 3 |
ABE 4932: Contaminants in Ag Systems Credits: 3 |
ABE 4932: Applications of Life Cycle Assessment in Biological Engineering Credits: 3
ABE 4932: CURE: Food Waste and the Circular Bioeconomy Credits: 3
ABE 4932: Environmental Biotechnology Prereq: 4 or higher classification courses in Biological, Chemical or Environmental Engineering Credits: 3
ABE 4932: Bioprocess Engineering Engineering principles, processes, and techniques for using biological agents for the production of chemicals, food, biofuels, and pharmaceuticals, and waste treatment. Pre-Requisites/Co-Requisites: Life Sciences, Biological, Chemical or Environmental Engineering coursework Credits:
ABE 4932/6933: Advanced Robotic Systems Design Design, implementation, and performance assessment of agricultural robotic systems. Students will learn how to design and implement modules for robotic navigation, perception, and manipulation using the Robot Operating System. They will also be introduced to best design practices and project management techniques for integrated hardware/software development teams. Pre-Requisites/Co-Requisites: ABE 4171C or equivalent for undergraduate students. Prerequisite courses can be taken concurrently with this course. Credits: 2
ABE 4935: Writing Grant Proposals Prereq: Senior standing, must be pursuing a degree within the Agricultural and Biological Engineering department, and instructor permission Credits: 2 |
ABE 4949: Work Experience in Biological Engineering Departmentally Controlled: Please complete the ABE4949 request form. If you are an ABE student, follow the instruction provided on the ABE Canvas page on how to fill out and submit the signed ABE4949 request form. Prereq: Advisor approval Credits: 1-3 |
ABE 5648: Modeling Coupled Natural-Human Systems Approaches to modeling coupled natural-human systemsare explored, drawing from both natural and social sciences. Topicsinclude regime shift from dynamical systems and basic concepts from game theory and social-ecological system literature. These arecombined in models that operationalize a conceptual framework. Properties andimplications of these models—e.g., resilience and robustness of the coupled systems—will be derived and discussed.Students develop models—with guidance—for final projects. Prereq: Basic calculus and college-level probability courses Credits: 3 Semesters Offered: Fall |
ABE 6933: Logistics of Agricultural Food Chains Prereq: Basic skill of math and statistics, knowledge of farming operations Credits: 3 |
ABE 6933: Comprehensive Data Management in Agriculture Credits: 3
AOM 2520: Global Sustainable Energy: Past, Present, and Future Credits: 3 |
AOM 3220: Agricultural Construction and Maintenance Credits: 3 |
AOM 3333: Pesticide Application Technology Credits: 3
AOM 3734: Irrigation Principles and Practices in Florida Prereq: MAC 1147: Precalculus – Algebra and Trigonometry Credits: 3 |
AOM 4060/6061: Agri-Food Systems Innovation Credits: 3
AOM 4314C: Power and Machinery Management Credits: 3
AOM 4434: Precision Agriculture Prereq: Junior standing Credits: 3
AOM 4444C: Electrical Power and Instrumentation for Agricultural Operations Management Credits: 3
AOM 4455: Agricultural Operations and Systems Credits: 3
AOM 4461: Sustainable Agricultural Systems Prereq: Senior standing and PHY 2004 or the equivalent Credits: 3
AOM 4510C: Introduction to Instrumentation and Climate Management for Controlled Environment Agriculture Prereq: Junior standing Credits: 3
AOM 4521: Introduction to Biofuels Prereq: BSC 2010, PHY 2004 and CHM 2045 or the equivalent Credits: 3 |
AOM 4642: Environmental Systems for Agricultural Structures Prereq: MAC 1147 and 3 credits of physics Credits: 3
AOM 4643: Environmental Hydrology: Principles and Issues Recommended knowledge of simple and intermediate algebraic equations, trigonometry, sophomore-level chemistry, physics, and mathematics through pre-calculus Credits: 3 |
AOM 4905: Special Problems in Agricultural Operations Management Departmentally Controlled: Please complete the AOM4905 request form. If you are an ABE student, follow the instruction provided on the ABE Canvas page on how to fill out and submit the signed AOM4905 request form. Prereq: permission of department chair or advisor. Credits: 1-4 |
AOM 4911: Supervised Research in Agricultural Operations Management Credits: 0-3 |
AOM 4932/6932: Agricultural Intensification: Tradeoffs or Synergies with the Environment and Livelihoods Pre-requisites and Co-requisites: Students should have familiarity with agricultural production systems; however the course will provide basic background and reading materials to cover the interdisciplinary areas of agricultural production, economics, environment, and livelihood considerations. Those student selecting the data analysis and report section should be proficient in Microsoft Excel and/or some data analysis software including STATA, R, and such. Working knowledge of geospatial tools would also be of interest for projects. Credits: 2 |
AOM 4932: Controlled Environment Agriculture Principles and Practice Credits: 3
ALS 4210: Controlled Environment Plant Production Credits: 3
AOM 4933: Professional Practices in Agricultural Operations Management Credits: 1
AOM 4941: Full-time Practical Work Experience in Agricultural Operations Management Departmentally Controlled: Please complete the AOM4941 request form. If you are an ABE student, follow the instruction provided on the ABE Canvas page on how to fill out and submit the signed AOM4941 request form. Credits: 1-4 |
PKG 3001: Principles of Packaging Credits: 3
PKG 3103: Food Packaging Prereq: CHM 2045 Credits: 3
PKG 4008: Distribution and Transport Packaging Credits: 3
PKG 4011: Packaging Production and Processing Credits: 3
PKG 4101C: Computer Tools for Packaging Credits: 3
PKG 4941: Work Experience in Packaging Departmentally Controlled: Please complete the PKG491 request form. If you are an ABE student, follow the instruction provided on the ABE Canvas page on how to fill out and submit the signed PKG4941 request form. Credits: (S-U) 1-3 |
ALS 4210: Controlled Environment Plant Production Credits: 3 |
EGN 4912: Engineering Directed Independent Research Departmentally Controlled: Please complete the EGN4912 request form. If you are an ABE student, follow the instruction provided on the ABE Canvas page on how to fill out and submit the signed EGN4912 request form. Credits: 0-3 |
IDS 2935: Chocolate Science and Engineering for a More Just Society Credits: 3