Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Student Organizations

Each undergraduate program in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department has a student organization that offers an opportunity for students to meet and socialize with other students who share their interests, network with industry representatives and participate in field trips and other activities related to their major. Look for notices of monthly meetings posted in Frazier Rogers Hall.

Agricultural Operations Management Club (AOM Club)

The Agricultural Operations Management Club at the University of Florida is a professional club designed to assist students and potential employers. Students participate in fun social activities including fundraisers and field trips, as well as serious career preparations.

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers is an educational and scientific organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to agriculture, food and biological systems. Students in the club participate in socials, sports, and competitions, including the annual Fountain Wars event which is held at the international ASABE convention.

Florida Gamma Beta Chapter of Alpha Epsilon

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard Scholtz

The Florida Gamma Beta Chapter of Alpha Epsilon, the Honor Society for Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers. The objectives of the honor society are to promote the high ideals of the engineering profession, to recognize those Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers who demonstrate character, scholarship and professional attainment. Ultimately, Alpha Epsilon supports achievement in the Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineering so that it serve as the will serve the profession and society as a whole.

Packaging Club

The goal of UF's Packaging Club is to create a resource for students who wish to pursue a major or minor in packaging. With the help from our favorite professors we will work to provide students with easier access to national, state-wide, and local opportunities as they pursue their degree.