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Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Recruit Top Students


We encourage our students to gain knowledge and skills through work experience. The best way to incorporate this experience into their degree program is through internships. Our students in Agricultural Operations Management and Biological Engineering programs specialize in a variety of subjects that will serve you and your organization.

For more information on ABE students and promoting internships, contact our academic advisor, Daphne Flournoy, at or 352-294-6709.

List Your Open Positions

Share your open positions with ABE students! Our academic advisor, Daphne Flournoy, maintains a student information site where she shares information on open job postings that students could be interested in. To showcase your open positions on this site, share your position details and where to apply with Daphne Flournoy at or 352-294-6709.

Our Student Organizations

Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

University of Florida
Main Office, Room 120

Frazier Rogers Hall
1741 Museum Road, Bldg 474
P.O. Box 110570
Gainesville, FL 32611-0570

352-392-4092 (Fax)