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Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine 75th Anniversary Event

Pathways Towards the Next Generation of Agriculture and Natural Resources in Florida

Brought to you by Dr. Jack Payne, UF/IFAS Senior Vice President

Thursday, January 16, 2020

University of Florida, J. Wayne Reitz Union, Chamber

Download Program (PDF)

The Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources has a strong legacy providing vision and focus for the future of agriculture and the balance between human activity and the Earth’s natural resources. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Science (UF/IFAS) aligns directly with this legacy by combining all aspects of the land-grant mission (Extension, Research, and Teaching) with disciplines serving agriculture and natural resources throughout the state. UF/IFAS is at the forefront of the intersection of agriculture and natural resources challenges, given the complexity, diversity, and climatic exposure of Florida systems. This BANR celebration event has been designed to highlight challenges that Florida is facing along with potential pathways for advancing its agriculture and natural resources for sustainably increasing benefits to the state.



Livestream Chapter Times

00:00:00 Opening Comments by Chuck Rice
00:05:48 Welcome by UF/IFAS Senior Vice President Jack Payne
00:18:28 Keynote Speaker - Graeme Hammer
01:10:40 Panel 1: Challenges and Solutions for Crop Genetics 
02:11:10 Panel 2: Challenges and Solutions for Water and Agriculture
03:25:06 Poster Session Comments by UF/IFAS Research Dean Rob Gilbert
03:38:04 BANR Panel: Next Steps for BANR
03:39:22 Introductory Comments by Jim Jones
03:46:55 Announcement by Louise Fresco
03:55:50 BANR Board Comments
03:57:35 Comments by Susan Capalbo
04:06:29 Comments by Chuck Rice
04:20:34 Comments by Robin Schoen
04:32:19 Final Comments by Jim Jones
05:04:40 Closing Remarks by Kati Migliaccio