Dates and Deadlines
Program Information
Learn more about our program through our handouts and flyers below:
- Agricultural Operations Management (PDF)
- Biological Engineering: Concentrations and Curriculum (PDF)
New Student Information
Visit the Academic Advising Center for information to help newly admitted students.
Undergraduate Honors Thesis
Requirements differ for students in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering and College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Check the submission criteria.
Graduation Checklist
A comprehensive list for students who are two semesters or less from graduation to ensure they meet all requirements.
Internships and Career Resources
Many companies contact the ABE department with information regarding summer jobs and internships. Check with your undergraduate advisor for opportunities in your program. In addition, the following resources are available through the University of Florida:
- ABE Career Board
- UF Career Connections Center
- Career Resources in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
- Gator CareerLink Job Database
Another resource for students is the Ag Careers website, which posts both employment and internship opportunities.
Fundamentals of Engineering Exam
The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam is generally taken during the applicant’s final year of school or immediately after graduation. No engineering experience is required; however, evidence of acceptable education is required.
Advising Forms
Undergraduate Forms
- ABE/AOM Special Topics and Individual Study Enrollment Form (PDF)
- Internship/Co-op Registration Form (PDF)
- Application to Add or Cancel a Minor (PDF)
- Combined Bachelor's and Master's Degree Request Form (PDF)
- UF Late Degree Application Information
- SUS Transient Student Form (PDF)
- DCE Course Approval Form (PDF)
- ABE Advisory Board Undergraduate Travel Scholarship Application (PDF)
- Undergraduate Graduation Checklist
- To register for Undergraduate Research in BE (EGN4912) or AOM (AOM4911) use the form included with the syllabus in the 'Course Listings' section.
- CALS Advising Forms
Engineering Students Advising Forms
- EGN4912 - Engineering Undergraduate Research Application
- EG College Petition Form - online submission
Graduating with Honors (CALS)
- CALS Honors Guidelines (PDF)
- CALS Honors Information
- Graduating with Honors (Students must apply within the first three weeks in the semester PRIOR to graduation)
Graduating with Honors (EG)
- EG Honors Guidelines
- ABE Honors Thesis Guidlines
- Sponsor Permission Form - Honors
- Appointment of Supervisory Committee Form (PDF)
- Final Oral Examination Form - Provide info to Robin Snyder prior to your defense
- Honors Thesis Submission Form (Must be typed)
- Thesis Cover Page Format (27KB Word Doc)