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Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Dr. Vijaya Joshi

Research Assistant Scientist, Spatial Crop Modeling

Dr. Vijaya Joshi’s research focus is on the transformation of agricultural sector into a sustainable livelihood strategy, especially for the small-holder farmers in the developing countries. His research paradigm centers on the conceptualization of agriculture as a complex system, investigating development challenges in agriculture through a multidisciplinary framework, collaborating with experts in social science, computer science, engineering, economics, crops, livestock, and soil science. 
Employing diverse tools -- from field experiments and surveys to crop simulation models, remote sensing, natural language processing -- Dr. Joshi aims to understand the intricate inter-relationships among biophysical, socioeconomic, and environmental variables within agricultural systems. His research project includes the use and development of spatial modeling framework (PYTHIA) for crop model (DSSAT) application at regional and national scales for crop yield forecasting and climate change studies. Currently, his research is investigating conflict, risks, and instability in developing countries due to disruptions in agricultural value chains, and mounting pressures of other sectors, such as extractive mining industry, on agriculture. 

Contact Information



Mailing Address:
Indian River Research and Education Center
2199 South Rock Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34945-3138

  • Research and Extension
    • Spatial crop modeling
    • HEURISTICS: Hyperlocal Elicitation and Understanding of Risks to Stability in Complex Systems
    • Efficient crop model parameterization strategies with natural language processing
    • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dairy value chain in Nepal
  • Education
    • Ph.D. Agronomy/Agroecology, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2020
    • M.S. Agronomy, University of Wyoming, Laramie, 2015
    • B.S. Agriculture (Minor: Ag Economics) Tribhuvan University, Rampur Campus, 2010
  • Professional Experience
    • 2023 –
      Research Assistant Scientist, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida
    • 2020 – 2023
      Post-Doctoral Associate, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida
  • Awards and Honors
    • Hayes 21st Century Fellowship, University of Minnesota, 2019
    • Applied Plant Science Metric Fellowship, 2017
    • Gamma Sigma Delta Award. The Honor Society of Agriculture, 2015
  • Other Professional Activities
    • 2023 – Present: Associate Editor, Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment Journal, American Society of Agronomy, USA
    • 2023: Invited Speaker, Session: Computational Design of Changing Cropping Systems, International Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, St. Louis, MO
    • 2014 - Present: Member, American Society of Agronomy
    • Reviewer: Field Crops Research, Agronomy Journal (American Society of Agronomy), European Journal of Agronomy, International Journal of Biometeorology, Journal of Agricultural Science, Agrosystems, Geosciences and Environment Journal, and Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  • Publications