Certificate in Packaging Engineering
The Agricultural and Biological Engineering graduate studies program offers an opportunity for students to earn a certificate in packaging engineering. The packaging engineering certificate emphasizes engineering solutions to problems associated with packaging systems involving specification, design, manufacturing and sustainability.
Students will be required to successfully complete 15 credit hours of the packaging engineering courses listed below to earn the Packaging Engineering Certificate. Engineering students may substitute one advisor-approved engineering elective, or a packaging-related internship or coop for a required packaging engineering course, where the student’s engineering academic advisor for her/his major, or Dr. Bruce Welt in the ABE Department, can approve the substitution as described.
IMPORTANT: To enroll in this certificate, the student must apply online following the link below (and click to “Apply Here" in that page):
Please note that the minimum grade of a C is required in all classes used for this certificate or an S (satisfactory) if substituting internship or coop credit for a course.
Please notify Daphne Flournoy (dflournoy@ufl.edu) after you complete the application so she can process your admission.
List of Courses
Course Syllabi
Packaging Engineering courses offered:
- Syllabus for PKG3001
- Syllabus for PKG3103
- Prerequisite for PKG3103: CHM2045 General Chemistry I
- Syllabus for PKG4008
- Syllabus for PKG4011
- Syllabus for PKG4101C
- Packaging Engineering Courses Offered:
PKG3001 Principles of Packaging (Credits 3)
PKG3103 Food Packaging (Credits 3)
Prerequisite for PKG3103: CHM2045 General Chemistry I (Credits 3)
PKG4008 Distribution and Transport Packaging (Credits 3)
PKG4011 Packaging Production and Processing (Credits 3)
PKG4101C Computer Tools for Packaging (Credits 3)