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Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Awards and Funding Opportunities

The ABE Department expects to have at least two Alumni Graduate Awards available for Ph.D. students each Fall. Minimum requirements are a 3.3 undergraduate grade point average (GPA) and competitive GRE scores. Most fellowship recipients are selected by February or March each year for the following Fall term.

Outstanding applicants who are currently in the U.S. may be eligible to receive a travel grant to visit our department. Please contact Dr. Greg Kiker (Graduate Coordinator) for further details.

  • Awards


    Department Awards

    ABE Graduate Student Mentoring Awards

    Purpose and Eligibility:

    Awards will be given to student mentors who provided or currently provide at least one of the following: peer-to-peer mentoring of graduate students, mentoring of undergraduate students, or mentoring in a K-12 classroom (working with K-12 students and/or teachers).

    August 1: Application Opens
    November 1:
    Deadline for Application Materials

    Award Requirements:

    Submit a completed application by the deadline to include an online application, and a single PDF of CV, Mentoring Philosophy (500-word maximum), and letter of support from an advisor.


    College Awards

    Graduate School Awards and Funding


  • Assistantships


    To obtain a departmental assistantship, graduate students should contact specific faculty members in areas of their research interest. If the student meets the faculty member's requirements and there is funding available, then an assistantship may be offered to the student by the department or the specific faculty member. For a complete list of our department's faculty members, visit the faculty directory.

    The Teaching Center provides student teaching assistants with resources to enhance their teaching skills.

  • Fellowships and Scholarships

    Fellowships and Scholarships

    We encourage you to apply early to be eligible for funding opportunities.

    • McNair Bostick Scholarship
      For Ph.D. graduate students in the UF/IFAS ABE department who are working on modeling and analysis of Agricultural and Natural Resources Systems. This $1500 scholarship is awarded on the basis of scholarship, leadership in the university/community, dedication to her/his career, and high-quality research related to the sustainable management of agricultural and natural resources. Scholarship applications are due October 15th and recipients are selected for the Spring semester.
    • Ken and Cindy Campbell Graduate Student Travel Scholarship
      The Ken and Cindy Campbell Graduate Student Travel Scholarship was established in 2015 to support graduate students researching water-related issues in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE) at the University of Florida/IFAS. Scholarships of up to $1250 are awarded in support of expenses related to travel to research projects, competitions, presentation of a paper at a professional conference with attendance at an academic or professional organizational meeting, and participation in a competitive unpaid internship or workshop.
    • UF Resources for Graduate Financial Aid
      View a list of financial aid opportunities for graduate students available from a number of sources at the University of Florida.
    • Alumni Graduate Initiative
      Alumni Graduates represent the highest graduate student award available at the University. Funded at nationally competitive levels, these highly prestigious awards support students in all programs and departments of the University awarding a Ph.D. or MFA. 
    • Graduate School Fellowships
      Designed to recruit truly exceptional graduate students to the University of Florida. Currently enrolled UF graduate students are not eligible, except in the particular case in which they will be entering a Ph.D. (or another terminal degree) program for the first time. NOTE: Students enrolled in the Colleges of Engineering and Law are not eligible for Grinter Fellowships.
    • College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Financial Aid
      View a list of scholarships and fellowships available to students in CALS.
    • Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering Financial Aid
      The College of Engineering offers approximately 750 research and teaching assistantships. View a list of scholarships and fellowships available to engineering graduate students.
    • Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship
      Graduate students interested in combining their disciplinary studies with African language and area studies can apply for the FLAS fellowships. Studying an African language is required.
    • Gates Millennium Scholars Program
      The Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) provides funding for graduate education for those students pursuing studies in mathematics, science, engineering, education, or library science.
    • GEM Fellowships
      GEM's principal activity is the provision of graduate fellowships at the M.S. and Ph.D. levels coupled with paid summer internships.
    • McNair Scholars Program
      The UF McNair Scholars Program supports undergraduate college students from low-income, first-generation and underrepresented backgrounds in their progress towards a doctoral degree.
    • SEAGEP
      SEAGEP partners with faculty and Departments to provide awards to U.S. citizens and permanent residents in support of their goal of earning a Ph.D. in science, engineering, or mathematics, and becoming a member of the Professoriate.
    • Academic Common Market
      The applicant is responsible to show its home Academic Common Market state that no other degree program in the home state provides the chosen graduate specialization. These states will accept applications from the prospective student to attend UF campus and pay in-state tuition rates. See the ACM website for the participating states.
    • FastWeb (Financial Aid Search)
      FastWeb lists more than 1.3 million scholarships worth $3 billion. Create a personal profile to receive a list of exactly those scholarships matching your skills and interests.
  • Health Insurance

    Health Insurance

    The GatorGradCare plan is available free of charge to students on assistantship or fellowship. Students who want to participate in the GatorGradCare plan must enroll through the website.