VFSMOD: Vegetative Filter Strip Modeling System
Produts from VFSMOD in journal articles, book chapters, on the Web, and in user applications. Please e-mail us to add other products and impacts to this list. Please select the type of references below. Adobe Reader is needed to view .pdf documents.
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Refereed publications citing VFSMOD
- Koua, T. J. -J., Kouassi, K. H., Kouassi, K. L., Allou, K. A., & Jeong, J. 2024. Effectiveness of the VFSMOD Model in Simulating Sediment Trapping by a Vegetative Filter Strip: Case of the Lobo Reservoir in Daloa (Central–West Côte d’Ivoire). Earth, 5(4):928-944. doi:10.3390/earth5040048
- Yan L, Wang X, Ou Y, Pang S, Cui Q, Hou X. 2024. Pesticides trapping performance of vegetative filter strips in black soil region, Northeast China: controlled experiments and VFSMOD-W modeling. Ecol. Eng. 209: 107384. 2024. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2024.107384
- Klein, M., Klein, J., Flade, J., Großmann, D., Türkowsky, D., O'Connor, I., Spycher, S., Reichenberger, S., Sittig, S., Multsch, S. and Thomas, K. (2023), Risk mitigation measures for pesticide runoff: How effective are they?. Pest Manag Sci. doi:10.1002/ps.7691
- Chen. H., D.S. Carley, R. Muñoz-Carpena, G. Ferruzzi, Y. Yuan, A. Blankinship, T.L. Veith, R. Breckels, G. Fox, Y. Luo, D. Osmond, H.E. Preisendanz, Z. Tang, K. Armbrust, K. Costello, L.L. McConnell, P. Rice, J. Westgate, M. Whiteside. 2023. Incorporating the benefits of vegetative filter strips into risk assessment and risk management of pesticides. Integr Environ Assess Manag (IEAM). doi:10.1002/ieam.4824
- Zhang, Y., R. Bhattarai and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2023. Effectiveness of vegetative filter strips for sediment control from steep construction landscapes. Catena 226(2023):10705. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2023.107057
- Arpino, M., J. Stryker, J. Hanzas, M. Winchell, M.A. Thomas, J. Schleier and D. Meals. 2023. Effectiveness of side-inlet vegetated filter strips at trapping pesticides from agricultural runoff. Sci. Total Environ. 879(25):162881. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162881
- Reichenberger S., R. Sur, S. Sittig, S. Multsch, Á. Carmona-Cabrero, J.J. López and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2023. Dynamic prediction of effective runoff sediment particle size for improved assessment of erosion mitigation efficiency with vegetative filter strips. Sci. Total Env. 857(3):159572. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159572
- Ramler D, Stutter M, Weigelhofer G, Quinton JN, Hood-Nowotny R and Strauss P. 2022. Keeping up with phosphorus dynamics: overdue conceptual changes in vegetative filter strip research and management. Front. Environ. Sci. 10:764333. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2022.764333
- Guertault, L. G.A.Fox, D. Heeren, T. Hallihan and R Muñoz-Carpena. 2021. Quantifying the importance of preferential flow in a riparian buffer. Trans. ASABE 64(3):937-947. doi:10.13031/trans.14286.
- Fox, G.A., R. Muñoz-Carpena, B. Brooks, T. Hall. 2021. Advancing surface water pesticide exposure assessments for ecosystem protection. Trans. ASABE 64(2): 377-387. doi:10.13031/trans.14225
- Lauvernet, C. and C. Helbert. 2020. Metamodeling methods that incorporate qualitative variables for improved design of vegetative filter strips. Reliab. Eng. & Sys. Safety 204:107083. doi:10.1016/j.ress.2020.107083
- Otto, S., S. Gottardi, M. Pasini, L. Menaballi, R. Bradascio, O. de Cirugeda Helle. 2020. Effectiveness of grassed buffer in reducing Spinosad runoff: real data and FOCUS output. Journal of Environmental Protection, 11(3):169-195. doi:10.4236/jep.2020.113011
- Gupta, A.K., R. P. Rudra, B. Gharabaghi, P. K. Goel, S. Sebti, R. Shukla, P. Daggupati. 2019. A modeling approach for evaluating watershed-scale water quality benefits of vegetative filter strip - A case study in Ontario. Trans. ASABE 35(3): 271-281. . doi:10.13031/aea.13121
- Muñoz-Carpena, R., A. Ritter, G. Fox. 2019. Comparison of empirical and mechanistic equations for vegetative filter strip pesticide mitigation in long-term environmental exposure assessments. Water Research 165:1149833. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2019.114983
- Yuzhou Luo. 2019. Modeling the Mitigating Effects of Conservation Practices for Pyrethroid Uses in Agricultural Areas of California. Chapter 14. In Goh et al.(Eds.); Pesticides in Surface Water: Monitoring, Modeling, Risk Assessment, and Management. ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2019. doi: 10.1021/bk-2019-1308.ch014
- Xuyang Zhang, X, Y. Luo, M. Zhang and K.S. Goh. 2019. Modeling the Effectiveness of Management Practices for Reducing Pesticide Residues in Surface Water. Chapter 12. In Goh et al.(Eds.); Pesticides in Surface Water: Monitoring, Modeling, Risk Assessment, and Management. ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2019. doi: 10.1021/bk-2019-1308.ch012
- Reichenberger, S., R. Sur, C. Kley, S. Sittig, S. Multsch. 2019. Recalibration and cross-validation of pesticide trapping equations for vegetative filter strips (VFS) using additional experimental data. Science of the Total Environment 647 (2019) 534–550 doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.429
- Cibin, R., I. Chaubey, M. Helmers, K. P. Sudheer, M. J. White, J. G. Arnold. An improved representation of vegetative filter strips in SWAT. 2018. Trans. ASABE 61(3):1017-1024. doi:10.13031/trans.12661
- Lim, K.J., Y.S. Park; M.-K. Kim, J. Jeong, B.A. Engel, R. Muñoz-Carpena and J. Kim. 2018. Design of vegetative filter strip using web-based system with groundwater table and pesticide degradation analysis modules. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (ASCE) 23(2). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001611
- Fox, G., R. Muñoz-Carpena and R. Purvis. 2018. Controlled laboratory experiments and modeling of vegetative filter strips with shallow water tables. J. of Hydrology 556(1):1–9, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.10.069
- Muñoz-Carpena, R., Lauvernet, C., and Carluer, N. 2018. Shallow water table effects on water, sediment and pesticide transport in vegetative filter strips: Part A. non-uniform infiltration and soil water redistribution, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 22:53-70. doi:10.5194/hess-22-53-2018
- Lauvernet, C. and Muñoz-Carpena, R.. 2018. Shallow water table effects on water, sediment and pesticide transport in vegetative filter strips: Part B. model coupling, application, factor importance and uncertainty, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 22:71-87. doi:10.5194/hess-22-71-2018
- Muñoz-Carpena, R., G. Fox, A. Ritter, I. Rodea-Palomares. 2018 .Effect of vegetative filter strip pesticide residue degradation assumptions for environmental exposure assessments. Science of the Total Environment 619–620:977–987, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.093
- Pan, D., X. Gao, M. Dyck, Y. Song, P. Wu, X. Zhao. 2017. Dynamics of runoff and sediment trapping performance of vegetative filter strips: Run-on experiments and modeling. 2017. Science of The Total Environment 593–594:54-64, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.158
- Carluer, N., C. Lauvernet, D. Noll and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2017. Defining context-specific scenarios to design vegetated buffer zones in order to limit pesticides transfer by surface runoff. Sci. Total Env 575(1):701–712. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.09.105
- Phillips, B.M., B.S. Anderson, M. Cahn, J.L. Rego, J.P. Voorhees, K. Siegler, X. Zhang, R. Budd, K. Goh, and R.S. Tjeerdema. 2017. An integrated vegetated ditch system reduces chlorpyrifos loading in agricultural runoff. Integr Environ Assess Manag. 13(2):423-430. doi:10.1002/ieam.1820
- Campo-Bescós, M.A., R. Muñoz-Carpena, G.A. Kiker, B.W. Bodah, J.L Ullman. 2015. Improved watering or buffering? Runoff and sediment pollution control from furrow irrigated fields in arid environments. Agric., Ecosyst. Environ. 205(1):90–101. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2015.03.010
- Dosskey, M.G., S. Neelakantan, T.G. Mueller, T. Kellerman, M.J. Helmers, and E. Rienzi. 2015. AgBufferBuilder: A geographic information system (GIS) tool for precision design and performance assessment of filter strips. J. Soil and Water Conservation 70(4)209-217.doi:10.2489/jswc.70.4.209
- Muñoz-Carpena, R. A. Ritter, G.A. Fox and O. Perez-Ovilla. 2015. Does mechanistic modeling of filter strip pesticide mass balance and degradation affect environmental exposure assessments? Chemosphere 139:410-421.doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.07.010
- Park, Youn Shik, & Hyeon, Geun-U. (2014). Optimization of Vegetative Filter Strip using VFSMOD-w model and Genetic-Algorithm. Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment, 30(2), 159–165. doi:10.15681/KSWE.2014.30.2.159
- Lambrechts, T., S. François, S. Lutts, R. Muñoz-Carpena, C.L. Bielders. 2014. Impact of plant growth and morphology and of sediment concentration on sediment retention efficiency of vegetative filter strips: flume experiments and VFSMOD modeling. J. of Hydrology 511:800–810.doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.02.030
- Park, Y-S., B.A. Engel, Y. Shin, J.Choi, N-W. Kim, S-J. Kim, D.S. Kong, and K.J. Lim. 2013. Development of Web GIS-Based VFSMOD System with Three Modules for Effective Vegetative Filter Strip Design. Water (5):1194-1210doi:10.3390/w5031194
- Fox, G.A. C.J. Penn. 2013. Empirical model for quantifying total phosphorus reduction by vegetative filter strips. Trans. ASABE 56(4):1461-1469. doi:10.13031/trans.56.10133.
- Yu*, C., R. Muñoz-Carpena, B. Gao and O. Perez-Ovilla. 2013. Effects of ionic strength, particle size, flow rate, and vegetation type on colloid transport through a dense vegetation saturated soil system: Experiments and modeling. J. of Hydrology 499:316–323. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.07.004.
- The effects of grass hedges and micro-basins on reducing soil and water loss in temperate regions: A case study of Northern China. Bo Xiao, Qinghai Wang, Huifang Wang, Juying Wu, Dingfang Yu. 2012. Soil and Tillage Research 122:22–35. doi:10.1016/j.still.2012.02.006
- Winchell, M.F., R.L. Jones and T.L. Estes. 2011. Comparison of Models for Estimating the Removal of Pesticides by Vegetated Filter Strips.[1.4MB] In: Goh et al.(eds.), Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality. Chapter 17. Pp. 273-286. ACS Series. American Chemical Society: Washington, DC.
- Hydrologic Response Unit Routing in SWAT to Simulate Effects of Vegetated Filter Strip for South-Korean Conditions Based on VFSMOD. Youn Shik Park , Jeong Hee Park , Won Seok Jang , Ji Chul Ryu , Hyunwoo Kang , Joongdae Choi and Kyoung Jae Lim, Water 2011, 3(3), 819-842; doi:10.3390/w3030819
- A design aid for sizing filter strips using buffer area ratio. M.G. Dosskey, M.J. Helmers and D.E. Eisenhauer. 2011. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 66(1):29-39. doi: 10.2489/jswc.66.1.2
- Improved indexes for targeting placement of buffers of Hortonian runoff. M.G. Dosskey, Z. Qiu, M.J. Helmers and D.E. Eisenhauer. 2011. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 66 (6):362-372. doi:10.2489/jswc.66.6.362
- Assessing multi-criteria approaches with environmental, economic and social attributes, weights and procedures: A case study in the Pampas, Argentina. 2011. J.M. Cisneros, J.B. Grau, J.M. Antón, J.D. de Prada, A. Cantero, A.J. Degioanni. Agricultural Water Management 98(10):1545–1556. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2011.05.009.
- Comparison of Indexes for Prioritizing Placement of Water Quality Buffers in Agricultural Watersheds. 2011. Michael G. Dosskey, Zeyuan Qiu. JAWRA (Journal of the American Water Resources Association) 47(4):662–671. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00532.x
- Distinct influence of filter strips on acute and chronic pesticide aquatic environmental exposure assessments across U.S. EPA scenarios. Sabbagh, G.J., R. Muñoz-Carpena, G.A. Fox. 2012. Distinct influence of filter strips on acute and chronic pesticide aquatic environmental exposure assessments across U.S. EPA scenarios. Chemosphere. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.06.034
- Vegetated filter effects on sedimentological connectivity of agricultural catchments in erosion modelling: A review. S.J.Gumiere, Y.Le Bissonnais, D.Raclot, and B. Cheviron. 2011. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 36:3–19.
- A revised framework for pesticide aquatic environmental exposure assessment that accounts for vegetative filter strips. 2010. Sabbagh, G., G. Fox, G., R. Muñoz-Carpena and M. Lenz. 2010. Environmental Science & Technology.44:3839–3845 doi:10.1021/es100506s.
- Influence of flow concentration on parameter importance and prediction uncertainty of pesticide trapping by vegetative filter strips. 2010. Fox G.A., R. Muñoz-Carpena, G.J. Sabbagh. J. of Hydrology 384:164-173. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.01.020.
- Parameter Importance and Uncertainty in Predicting Runoff Pesticide Reduction with Filter Strips. 2010. Muñoz-Carpena, R., G.A. Fox and G.J. Sabbagh. J. Environ. Qual. 39(1):630-641. doi:10.1016/10.2134/jeq2009.0300.
- Sebti, S., & Rudra, R. P. 2010. An approach to evaluate vegetative filter strip in watershed scale. Appl. Eng. Agric., 26(5), 817-826. doi:10.13031/2013.34942
- Simplified modeling of phosphorus removal by vegetative filter strips to control runoff pollution from phosphate mining areas. 2009. Kuo, Y.M. and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2009. Journal of Hydrology. 378:343–354. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.09.039.
- Comment on "Major Factors Influencing the Efficacy of Vegetated Buffers on Sediment Trapping: A Review and Analysis"[500KB]. G.A. Fox and G.J. Sabbagh. 2009. Journal of Environmental Quality. 38(1):1-3. DOI: 10.2134/jeq2009.0001le.
- Methods to prioritize placement of riparian buffers for improved water quality. 2009. Tomer, M.D., M.G. Dosskey, M.R. Burkart, D.E. James, M.J. Helmers and D.E. Eisenhauer. 2009. Agroforest Syst. 75(1):17–25. DOI 10.1007/s10457-008-9134-5.
- Development of a simplistic vegetative filter strip model for sediment and nutrient retention at the field scale. 2009. White, M.J. and J.G. Arnold. Hydrological Processes 23(11):1602-1616, doi: org/10.1002/hyp.7291.
- Chlorpyrifos and Atrazine Removal from Runoff by Vegetated Filter Strips: Experiments and Predictive Modeling. 2009. Poletika, N.N., P.N. Coody, G.A. Fox, G.J. Sabbagh, S.C. Dolder, and J. White. Journal of Environmental Quality. 38(3): 1042-1052.
- Effectiveness of Vegetative Filter Strips in Reducing Pesticide Loading: Quantifying Pesticide Trapping Efficiency. 2009. Sabbagh, G.J., G.A. Fox, A. Kamanzi, B. Roepke and J.Z. Tang. Journal of Environmental Quality. 38(2):762-771.
- A Design Aid for Determining Width of Filter Strips. 2008. M.G. Dosskey, M.J. Helmers, and D.E. Eisenhauer. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 63(4):232-241.
- Global Sensitivity and uncertainty Analyses of the Water Quality Model VFSMOD-W. 2007. Muñoz-Carpena, R., Z. Zajac and Yi-Ming Kuo. Trans. of the ASABE. 50(5):1719-1732.
- An approach for using soil surveys to guide the placement of water quality buffers. 2006. M.G. Dosskey, M.J. Helmers, and D.E. Eisenhauer. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 61(6):344-354.
- Uncertainty in TMDL Models. 2006. Shirmohammadi, A., I. Chaubey, R.D. Harmel, D.D. Bosch, R. Muñoz-Carpena, C. Dharmasri, A. Sexton, M. Arabi, M.L. Wolfe, J. Frankenberger, C. Graff and T.M. Sohrabi. Trans. of the ASABE. 49(4):1033-1049.
- Establishing conservation buffers using precision information. 2005. M.G. Dosskey, D.E. Eisenhauer, and M.J. Helmers. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 60(6):349-354.
- Suspended sediment removal by vegetative filter strip treating highway runoff. 2005. J. Han, S. Wu and C. Allan. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. 40:1637-1649. doi:10.1081/ESE-200060683.
- Modeling sediment trapping in a vegetative filter accounting for converging overland flow. 2005. M.J. Helmers, D.E. Eisenhauer, T.G. Franti, M.G. Dosskey. Trans. of the ASABE. Vol. 48(2): 541−555.
- Flow pathways and sediment trapping in a field-scale vegetative filter. 2005. M.J. Helmers, D.E. Eisenhauer, M.G. Dosskey, T.G. Franti, J.M. Brothers, ßM.C. McCullough. Trans. of the ASABE. Vol. 48(3): 955−968.
- A design procedure for vegetative filter strips using VFSMOD-W. 2004. Muñoz-Carpena, R, Parsons, J.E. Trans. of the ASAE. vol 47(6):1933-1941.
- Cost-effective Targeting of Riparian Buffers. 2004. Yang, W. and A. Weersink. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 52(1):17–34.
- Assessment of concentrated flow through riparian buffers. 2002. Dosskey, M.G., Helmers, M.J., Eisenhauer, D.E., Franti, T.G., Hoagland, K.D. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. vol 57(6):336-343.
- Effectiveness of vegetation barriers for marly sediment trapping. 2004. Rey, F. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. vol(29):1161-1169.
- Factors affecting sediment trapping in vegetated filter strips: simulation study using VFSMOD. 2001. Abu-Zreig, M. Hydrologic Processes. vol 15(8):1477-1488.
- Validation of a vegetated filter strip model (VFSMOD). 2001. Abu-Zreig, M., Rudra, R.P., Whitely, H.R. Hydrologic Processes. vol 15(5):729-742.
- Modeling hydrology and sediment transport in vegetative filter strips. 1999. Muñoz-Carpena, R., J.E. Parsons, and J.W. Gilliam. 1999. Journal of Hydrology. 214(1-4):111-129.
- Numerical Approach to the Overland Flow Process in Vegetative Filter Strips. 1993. Muñoz-Carpena, R., J.E. Parsons, and J.W. Gilliam. 1993. Trans. of the ASAE. 36(3):761-770.
- A Quadratic Petrov-Galerkin Solution for Kinematic Wave Overland Flow. 1993. Muñoz-Carpena, R., C.T. Miller, and J.E. Parsons. Water Resources Research. 29(8):2615-262.
Dissertations & Thesis
- Enrique Orozco-López. 2020. Subsurface preferential flow and transport in riparian buffers. Ph.D. dissertation. [Gainesville, Fla.]: University of Florida. (Chairs: R. Muñoz–Carpena & Bin Gao)
- Lei Wu. 2013. Filtration and transport of colloids and nanoparticles in dense emergent vegetation: theory, experiments and modeling. Ph.D. dissertation. [Gainesville, Fla.]: University of Florida. (Chairs: R. Muñoz-Carpena and B. Gao).
- Congrong Yu. 2011. Colloids transport in surface runoff through dense vegetation. Ph.D. dissertation. [Gainesville, Fla.]: University of Florida. (Advisors: R. Muñoz-Carpena and B. Gao).
- Seradj, M. 2011. Developement of a continuous modelling approach capable of evaluating sediment removal performance of vegetative filter strips in watershed scale. Master of Applied Science. School of Engineering. U. of Guelph (Canada). Advisor: R. Rudra).
- Oscar Pérez-Ovilla. 2010. A flexible numerical component to simulate biogeochemical transport processes through vegetative filter strips[3.3MB]. Ph.D. dissertation. [Gainesville, Fla.]: University of Florida. (Advisor: R. Muñoz-Carpena).
- K.M. Foster, 2008. The Role of the Residential Shoreland Lawn as a Hydrologic Connection Between Downspout and Lake[1.49MB]. Stevens Point, WI.: University of Wisconsin. She presents field observations to calibrate VFSMOD-W and evaluate its usefulness in a residential setting. It concludes that although intended to model runoff and sediment reduction from an agricultural field draining to a buffer strip, VFSMOD-W functioned well as a tool for residential runoff predictions.
- Kuo, Y.M. 2007. Vegetative Filter Strips to Reduce Surface Runoff Phosphorus Transport from Mining Sand Tailings in the Upper Peace River Basin of Central Florida[2.71MB]. Ph.D. Dissertation. Gainesville, FL.: University of Florida.
- Muñoz-Carpena, R. 1993. Modeling hydrology and sediment transport in vegetative filter strips. [2.9MB]. Ph.D. Dissertation. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University
Proceedings, Meeting & Poster Presentations
- Muñoz-Carpena, R., Reichenberger, S., and Sur, R. 2022. Importance of surface pesticide residues in the quantitative mitigation of pesticides with vegetative filter strips: VFSMOD development and analysis, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-13039, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-13039.
- Howe, J. and Muñoz-Carpena, R. 2022. Pesticide remobilization in vegetative filter strips using mesoscale multi-event experimentation, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-13012, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-13012.
- Reichenberger, S., Sur, R., Sittig, S., Multsch, S., Carmona-Cabrero, Á., and Muñoz-Carpena, R. 2022. Impact of a new sediment parameterization method in VFSMOD on PECsw/sed in FOCUS step4, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-628, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-628.
- R. Sur, S. Reichenberger, C. Kley, S. Sittig, S. Multsch. 2019. Modelling experiments with vegetated filter strips with a new version of VFSMOD. Paper no. AGRO 306, 2019 ACS Meeting, August 25-29, San Diego, CA (USA).
- R. Sur, S. Reichenberger, P. Srinivasan, H. Meyer, C. Kley. 2019. Effectiveness of vegetated filter strips based on modeling with VFSMOD or fixed reduction percentages from the European regulatory framework. Paper no. AGRO 302, 2019 ACS Meeting, August 25-29, San Diego, CA (USA).
- 2011 International Conference: Korea KAB-2 International Conference on AG-BMP Development for Reservoir Water Quality Improvement, June 15-16, Seoul, Korea. Keynote speech by Muñoz-Carpena, R. and M.D. Dukes. Importance of mechanistic, science driven design of best management practices for watershed quality protection (Keynote speech). In: Yoon and Choi (eds.).
- 2011 Workshop:"From AIM to TOPPS-Prowadis". European Crop Protection Association, Brussels, - 24 February 2011. See papers by R. Muñoz-Carpena and C. Brown on VFSMOD use for pesticides and its application to EU FOCUS scenarios.
- 2010 - 5th European Modelling Workshop, "Modelling of behaviour of PPPs in soil, water and air relevant for their regulatory assessment at EU or Member State level". Isle of Capri, Italy, 13-15 October 2010. Paper by Bjoern Roepke (Bayer CropScience, Germany). "Modelling run-off mitigation efficiancy of vegetated filter strips (VFS) within the FOCUSsw framework using VFSMOD-W".
- 2009 Conference on "Pesticide Behaviour in Soils, Water and Air" conference. Sept. 14-16, 2009, York, UK. Modelling runoff mitigation capability of vegetated filter strips[124KB].
- 2009 Conference on "Pesticide Behaviour in Soils, Water and Air" conference. Sept. 14-16, 2009, York, UK. Comparison of Models for Estimating the Efficiency of Vegetative Buffer Strips[48KB].
- 2008 ASABE Paper - Enhancement and Evaluation of SWAT Filter Strip Module reflecting Field Runoff Volume and Filter Strip Width[112KB].
- 2008 ASABE Paper - Development of Web GIS based VVFSMOD-W System to Simulate Sediment Reduction Efficiency with Vegetative Filter Strip[6.17MB].
- 2007 ASABE Paper - An Inverse Calibrator for VFSMOD-W Using the Global Multilevel Coordinate Search/Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm[188KB].
- 2005 ASABE Paper - Modeling Water and Sediment Trapping by Vegetated Filters Using VFSMOD: Comparing Methods for Estimating Infiltration Parameters[428KB].
- 2004 ASABE Paper - Green-Ampt Infiltration Parameters in Riparian Buffers[240KB].
- 2003. Proc. of International Conference on Soil Erosion and Sediment Redistribution on River Catchments: Measurement, Modelling & Management in the 21st Century. Silsoe UK (pg. 39) - Effectiveness of grass buffer strips in reducing surface runoff and sediment yield – field measurements and simulation results (EUROSEM, OPUS and VFSmod)[1.3MB]. K. Schmelmer (Institut für Bodenkunde, Universitat Bonn, Germany).
- 2002 TMDL Paper 1 - VFSMOD-W a graphical Windows system for the evaluation and design of vegetative filter strips for sediment trapping[308KB].
- 2002 TMDL Paper 2 - A normalized design procedure to meet sediment TMDL with vegetative filter strips[44KB].
- 2001 Conference on Environmental Research, Kansas State University. Modeling Transport of Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts in Overland Flow[300KB].
- 2001 ASAE Paper - Impact of Uncertainty on the Design of Vegetative Filter Strips[68KB].
- 1999 ASAE Paper - Design Guide for Vegetative Filter Strips Using VFSMOD-W[448KB].
Reports, Handbooks, & Manuals
- OECD. 2023. Report from the Survey of Exposure Assessment Models Used in a Regulatory Context. Series on Testing and Assessment No. 389. Environment Directorate, Chemicals And Biotechnology Committee, ENV/CBC/MONO(2023)38. OECD (Organisation For Economic Cooperation and Development). Paris. URL https://one.oecd.org/document/ENV/CBC/MONO(2023)38/en/pdf (last accessed Dec. 2024)
- July 2024 EPA-HQ-OPP-2024-0299-0006 " "Ecological Mitigation Support Document to Support Endangered Species Strategies", Version 1.0. Appendix F has “Use of the Vegetative Filter Strip Model to Estimate Vegetative Filter Strip Efficacy Using Event Base Assumptions”.
- 2024 European Commision, Compendium of conditions of use to reduce exposure and risk from plant protection products Report on Runoff Risk Mitigation". PAFF-PPL-March 2024-Doc.A.07.02. The EU Comission endorses VFSMOD for quantitative mitigation with vegetative filter strips of surface runoff pesticides in high-tier environmental assessments, preferred over fixed reduction coefficients.
- June 2023 Draft Technical Support for Runoff, Erosion, and Spray Drift Mitigation Practices to Protect Non-Target Plants and Wildlife. Office of Pesticide Programs Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Washington, DC. Appendix D. "Use of the Vegetative Filter Strip Model to Estimate Vegetative Filter Strip Efficacy Using Event Based Assumptions" presents EPA use of the Vegetative Filter Strip Modeling System (VFSMOD v4.5.1) along with PWC (v2.001) and associated crop scenarios and weather files to evaluate reductions in pesticide mass for high runoff events (95 th percentile for the weather file) specific to each Hydrologic Unit Code 2 (HUC2) region.
- Ritter, Amy, Muñoz-Carpena, Rafael, Chen, H., Tang, Jane, Westgate, J., Henry, E., Wente, S., Guevara, M., Winchell, M., Luo, Y., Truman, C., Whiteside, M., & Seth Carley, D. (2023). VFSMOD Input Definitions, Literature References and Sensitivity Analyses for Evaluating Vegetative Filter Strips in Pesticide Risk Assessment. NC State Center of Excellence for Regulatory Science in Agriculture (CERSA). doi:10.5281/zenodo.7789811
- 2022 Report on Runoff Risk Mitigation Research Project from the German UBA (Federal Environment Agency) that concluded that VFS should be modeled mechanistically with VFSMOD in the context of pesticide regulatory approval process: How can risk reduction measures be included in the environmental risk assessment in the context of the approval procedures for plant protection products? (in German with extended English Summary, pg. 25-30).
- 2021 EU Southern Member States Steering Committee (SMS SC) agreement on the use of the SWAN-VFSMOD package for the calculation of PECsw at EU SMS and zonal level for the application of authorization of plant protection products. EU SMC SC, 2021. Quantitative Mitigation of Surface Runoff Pesticides with Vegetative Filter Strips using VFSMOD. Document of the EU Southern Member States Steering Committee. May 12, 2021. URL: https://tinyurl.com/yvewsu26
- 2021 Report by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s TMDL Program "Hammer Creek Headwaters Alternate Restoration Plan, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania". VFSMOD is used to estimate the sediment reduction effectiveness of precision-located tall-grass buffers in watershed restoration plans. Digital Elevation Models were analyzed using the TauDEM program in ArcGISPro to identify the most important drainageways for sediment transport in a watershed. The VFSMOD program was then used to estimate potential sediment reductions associated with putting tallgrass buffers along those drainageways. These analyses suggest that choosing the most important areas for buffer placement and providing realistic estimates of pollutant removal will be crucial for cost-effective watershed restoration. An example plan can be reviewed at the report.
- Report recommending VFSMOD for quantitative mitigation in EU: "MAgPIE- Mitigating the risks of plant protection products in the environment. Proceedings of the MAgPIE workshop" by Elix et al. (2013). From the two-part SETAC Workshop Mitigating the Risk of Plant Production Products in the Environment, 22–24 April 2013 Rome, Italy 13–15 November 2013 Madrid, Spain.
- H2O-Spot-Manager NRW is a new analysis and consulting tool that incorporates VFSMOD for targeted risk-reducing plant protection used in Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany. See report (in German) here by J Strassemeyer, A Claus-Krupp, F Möhl, AR Dominic, B. Golla. 2018.
- SYNOPS-WEB, a tool integrating SYNOPS-PRZM-VFSMOD, is developed and applied in Germany and in Norway to assess the risk from pesticides to surface water. See report "Adaptation of SYNOPS-WEB to assess environmental risk from pesticide use under realistic field conditions in Norway" by Dominic AR, Eklo OM, Stenrød M, Solbakken E, Lågbu R, Horney P, Daehmlow D, Strassemeyer J. 2017.
- California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) adds VFSMOD to their regulatory pesticide risk analysis framework PREM to analyize mitigation of pyrethroids. "Modeling pyrethroid uses and conservation practices in agricultural areas of California" by Yuzhou Luo. 2017.
- White paper identifies VFSMOD for quantitative mitigation in pesticide risk analysys in Canada. "Vegetative buffers. A Report to the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Multi-stakeholder Forum (Mitigation Working Group) for Neonicotinoids" by PF. Hoekstra, C. Hannam. 2017.
- Report on the project to parameterise VFSMOD for EU FOCUS R1-R4 scenarios to underpin its application for regulatory purposes in Europe. Definition of Vegetative Filter Strip Scenarios for Europe by Brown, C., Balderacchi, M., van Beinum,W., Capri, E., Trevisan, M., Environment Department, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK, p. 71. 2012.
- Design guide for vegetative filter strips and riparian zones for reduction of stream water pollution from runoff agrochemicals in France (In French: "Guide de dimensionnement des zones tampons enherbées ou boisées pour réduire la contamination des cours d'eau par les produits phytosanitaires") by Carluer, N. A. Fontaine, C. Lauvernet, R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2011. Technical Report. Unité de recherche Milleux Aquatiques, Ecologie et Pollutions. CEMAGREF, Lyon, France.
- Short summary paper by the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) on the current knowledge about the effectiveness of vegetative buffer strips for the mitigation of pesticide transport via surface-runoff from agricultural fields: "Vegetative Buffer Strips, a proven field Mitigation Measure to reduce pesticide runoff from agricultural fields". 2009.
- This Extension document "Managing the Water's Edge: Making Natural Connections" was developed by the So. Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to communicate important and up-to-date information and concepts related to riparian buffers in order to help protect and restore water quality, wildlife, recreational opportunities , and scenic beauty. VFSMOD-W is proposed as a buffer design tool in pg. 20. April 2, 2010.
- Report submitted by Crop Life America to USEPA: "A Review of Simulation Models for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Buffers in Reducing Pesticide Exposure" compared VFSMOD with other podels for pesticide transport. May 15, 2009.
- VFSMOD-W is listed in USEPA Ch. 11: "Evaluate Options and Select Final Management Strategies" - "Other Models Available for Analysis of Management Practices" (pp. 11-16). Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters[2.18MB]. March 2008.
- Final Report - Evaluation and Implementation of BMPs for North Carolina DOT's Highway and Industrial Facilities[4.63MB]. Wu and Allan (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2006) found good comparison of highway runoff data with VFSMOD-W results in North Carolina. The model was used to assess the importance of soil, sediment and vegetation parameters to remove pollutants in roadways.
- VFSMOD-W is discussed in the "Buffers and Vegetative Filter Strips" chapter (pp. 45-55) by M.J. Helmers et al. to assess nutrient losses to water resources in the Corn Belt, Iowa. Gulf Hypoxia and Local Water Quality Concerns Workshop[1.42MB]. Iowa State University, Sept. 26-28, 2005.
- VFSMOD-W is used to obtain functional relationships for buffer design for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Soil and Water Conservation. Green Technology: The Delaware Urban Runoff Management Approach: A Technical Manual for Designing Nonstructural BMPs to Minimize Stormwater Citations from Land Development[624KB]. January 2004. Report by W.C. Lucas.
- A linkage of VFSMOD-W with SWAT is proposed. Great Lakes Tributary Modeling Program: Status Report[1.42MB]. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes & Ohio River Division Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Bentrup, G.,M. Schoeneberger, M. Dosskey, and G. Wells (2004) of the USDA National Agroforestry Center, Lincoln, Nebraska, present a nomograph to estimate pollutant reduction based on VFSMOD-W simulations. Conservation Buffers: Planning and Design Principles - Draft Version Fall 2004[1.35MB].
- New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual - February 2014. In its Chapter 9.10 "Standard for Vegetative Filters" contains VFSMOD-based nomographs for design of VFS that incorporate vegetation type, slope and length based on accepted sediment (TSS) removal for different vegetation classes. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Watershed Management, Trenton, NJ.
- USDA-ARS uses VFSMOD-W for buffer optimization in the P-Index framwork. Optimization of Buffer-Grass Criteria As Part of National P-Index Evaluation Using Vfsmod-W Model.
- Project using VFSMOD-W for education on the effectiveness of vegetative filter strips in Iowa. Report for 2004IA63B: Vegetative Filter Education and Assessment in the State of Iowa[88KB].
- VFSMOD-W was used in a project to evaluate performance of vegetative filters to remove highway pollutants. Performance of Vegetative Filter Strips for Highway Pollutant Removal[188KB].
- USEPA lists VFSMOD-W in "Chapter 6: Management Measure for Vegetated Treatment Systems" as a model that can be used in determining vegetative filter lengths. National Management Measures to Protect and Restore Wetlands and Riparian Areas for the Abatement of Nonpoint Source Pollution[1.55MB].
- Reference to VFSMOD-W in USEPA report. Evaluation of Sediment Transport Models and Comparative Application of Two Watershed Models[1.6MB].
- Cited as a model for use in sizing VFS by USGS Report. Grass Buffers for Playas in Agricultural Landscapes: A Literature Synthesis[548KB].
- VFSMOD is used as the base tool for phosphorus modeling at the University of Guelph, Canada. Sediment-Removal Efficiency of Vegetative Filter Strips[228KB].
- Report with dataset on VFS and riparian buffers used in the original development and testing of VFSMOD. J.E. Parsons, R.B. Daniels, J.W. Gilliam and T.A. Dillaha. 1993. Reduction in Sediment and Chemical Load in Agricultural Field Runoff by Vegetative Filter Strips[1.6MB]. Final Project Report. Proj. no. UNC-WRRI 286. N.C. Water Resources Research Institute. Raleigh, N.C.
Web Pages and Tools
- NC State’s Center of Excellence for Regulatory Science (CERSA) hosted the First and Second North American VFS Pesticide Mitigation Symposiums and archives products and papers from those events and ensuing activities.
- Web GIS-Based VFSMOD-W System, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Gangwon, Republic of Korea.
- BUVARD tool, developed by IRSTEA (France) to help sizing VFS under French conditions based on VFSMOD simulations. On the "BUVARD online" version, there are lookup tables to select VFS mitigation efficiency factors based on a few parameters including the type of soil and the climate zone in France. On there We also have a "BUVARD complet" version, if the user has site-specific information to design the VFS, an R script guides the user through the construction of the VFSMOD files.
Training & Other Efforts
- European Union's 2008 AIM: Advancing Intelligent Mitigation workshop in Brussels. Agenda - An ECPA workshop on managing potential diffuse contamination sources of plant protection products[156KB]. The new pesticide component was presented by Garey Fox (Oklahoma State University) as a tool to inform activities in support of the new EU's Pesticide Directive - Understanding the Key Drivers for Effective Mitigation of Runoff with Vegetative Filter Strips[760KB].
- VFSMOD-W Workshop - Taller de Modelacion Hidrologíca y Calidad del Agua[44KB]. Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas (UNACH), México. November 3-4, 2008.
- Seminario de Doctorado: Introducción a la Evaluación de Modelos de Hidrología y Calidad de Agua y su Aplicación al Diseño de Filtros Vegetales para el Control de la Contaminación de la Escorrentía Superficial[84KB] (VFSMOD-W Training Workshop at the Universidad Politéctica de Madrid). ETSI Agrónomos (Spain). July 2-6, 2007.
This page was last updated on December 13, 2024.