Biocomplexity Engineering group seminars
Spring 2025 Schedule
Tuesdays 2:00 -3:00 pm.
Hybrid sessions: Please come in-person for coffee and cookies at Frazier Rogers Hall 284 (Hydrological Modeling Lab), or virtual at this ZOOM link.
Seminars Coordinator: J. Adam Howe, Ph.D. candidate
January |
28 |
Dr. Rafael Muñoz-Carpena Distinguished Professor, UF/ABE, USA |
Simplified numerical calculation of transformation kinetics for multiple pesticide species in vegetation buffer zones for surface pollution mitigation. |
February |
4 |
Dr. Nikolay Bliznyuk Associate Professor, UF/ABE, USA |
11 |
Dr. Yiannis Ampatzidis Associate Professor, UF/ABE, USA |
18 |
Dr. Ziynet Boz Assistant Professor, UF/ABE, USA |
Modeling opportunities in circular bioeconomy systems |
25 |
Dr. Sandra Guzmán Assistant Professor, UF/ABE, USA |
Data-Based Solutions for Agricultural Water Management with User-Inspired Decision Support Systems |
March |
4 |
Dr. Henry Medeiros Associate Professor, UF/ABE, USA |
Multi-Object Tracking for Agricultural Robotics |
11 |
Adam Howe PhD candidate, UF/ABE, USA |
Near-surface phenomena in vegetative filter strips |
18 |
Iñigo Barberena PhD student, Public University of Navarra, Spain |
Graphical user interface for the use and evaluation of VFSMOD |
25 |
Dr. Golmar Golmohammadi Assistant Professor, UF/SWES, USA |
AI Application in water resources as a forecasting tool |
April |
1 |
Dr. Dixon Domfeh Citibank |
A Bayesian valuation framework for catastrophe bonds — Extreme event securitization |
8 |
Mert Canatan PhD candidate, UF/ABE, USA |
15 |
Dr. Nikolaos Tziolas Assistant Professor, UF/SWES, USA |
22 |
Dr. Carlos Messina Professor, UF/Horticultural Sciences, USA |
29 |
Helen Haase Research Associate, UF/ABE, USA |
Open Your Fridge! An Agent-Based Model for Addressing Data Scarcity on Household Food Waste and the Understanding of the Impact of Behavioral Patterns |
This page was last updated on March 24, 2025.