Undergraduate Departmental Awards

Scholarship applications open at the beginning of each term. The application deadline for Spring awards is October 15, and the application deadline for Fall awards is March 15.

Applicants are notified of decisions by email, and scholarships are awarded for the following Spring or Fall term. Awards are made based on individual fund criteria and availability of funds.

All undergraduate award applications are submitted using the link below.

Florida Section ASABE Scholarship

The Florida Section ASABE Scholarship supports Agricultural and Biological Engineering or Agricultural Operations Management majors. This award is granted based on scholarship and professional potential.

Offered every semester.

Marlin Eller Memorial MWI Corp Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to agricultural and biological engineering majors based on scholarship and professional potential.

Rush Choate Endowed Scholarship

This is a scholarship for students pursuing a degree in Agriculture, Forest Resources, and Conservation or Agricultural Engineering. Awards are granted for scholarship and professional potential.

Offered every semester.

John B. Boy/U.S. Sugar in Agricultural Engineering Scholarship

The John B. Boy/U.S. Sugar in Agricultural Engineering Scholarship supports annual scholarships in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering for students who are U.S. and Florida residents, needy and junior standing with a minimum GPA of 2.6. Recipients will be offered opportunities for cooperative employment during the Fall or Spring semester; employment after graduation.

Bob and Virginia Peart Scholarship

The Bob and Virginia Peart Scholarship is a support scholarship for Agricultural Operations Management students only in Agricultural & Biological Engineering.

Offered every semester.

Giles and Martha Van Duyne Scholarship

The Giles and Martha Van Duyne Scholarship is a scholarship for students in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering department.

Offered every semester.

Sun Fu "Tony" Shih Scholarship

This scholarship supports Agricultural and Biological Engineering and Agricultural Operations Management majors at UF.

Offered every semester.

Allen G. Smajstrla Scholarship

The Allen G. Smajstrla Scholarship is for undergraduate Agricultural and Biological Engineering or Agricultural Operations Management students interested in water resources at UF.

Offered every semester.

Taiwan R.O.C. Fund

This fund is a support program in IFAS regarding application techniques relating to remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems, and Global Positioning Systems.

Application Deadline: TBD

How to Apply: TBD

Packaging Education Forum Endowment

The Packaging Education Forum Endowment supports the Packaging Science Program in IFAS' Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering to attract and provide for superior students, to help carry fundamental research in Packaging Science, and to deliver educational programs that meet resident and industry standards.

Application Deadline: TBD

How to Apply: TBD

Gerald W. and Phyllis J. Isaacs Scholarship Endowment

The Gerald W. and Phyllis J. Isaacs Scholarship Endowment supports undergraduate students specializing in Biological Engineering or Agricultural Operations Management in the College's Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering.

Application Deadline: TBD

How to Apply: TBD

Allen R. Overman Memorial Scholarship Endowment

This scholarship supports Agricultural and Biological Engineering students.

How to Apply: Submit your application to the Undergraduate Awards Qualtrics survey (link).


College Awards

Attributes of a Gator Engineer Award

Per HWCOE Website:

"Established in 2010 as part of the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering’s centennial celebration, the Attributes of a Gator Engineer embody the college’s expectations of all students and faculty. Awards are bestowed upon the undergraduate students and graduate students who best represent each quality.

Creativity: imagination, versatility, artistry, ingenuity, curiosity, resourcefulness
Leadership: entrepreneurial, engaging, effective, professional, visionary, inspiring
Integrity: honest, ethical, hardworking, persistent, drawn to right action
Professional Excellence: technical competence, area expertise, insight, resolve
Service to the Global Community: tolerance, respect, interdependence, cooperation, compassion, expanded awareness of financial, societal, legal and cultural influences"

Nomination Deadline: February 24, 2023
How to Nominate: Visit the Gator Engineering Attribute Award page and complete all required forms.

Graduate Departmental Awards

Scholarship applications open at the beginning of each term. Application deadlines are listed on this page for each award.

Applicants are notified of decisions by email, and scholarships are awarded for the following Spring or Fall term. Awards are made based on individual fund criteria and availability of funds.

ABE Graduate Student Mentoring Awards

Awards will be given to student mentors who provided or currently provide at least one of the following: peer-to-peer mentoring of graduate students, mentoring of undergraduate students, or mentoring in a K-12 classroom (working with K-12 students and/or teachers).

Award Requirements:

Submit a completed application by the deadline to include an online application, and a single PDF of CV, Mentoring Philosophy (500-word maximum), and letter of support from an advisor.

Application Deadline: November 1

How to Apply: Please submit applications to the Applicant Submission Portal.

McNair Bostick Scholarship

For Ph.D. graduate students in the UF/IFAS ABE department who are working on modeling and analysis of Agricultural and Natural Resources Systems. This $1500 scholarship is awarded on the basis of scholarship, leadership in the university/community, dedication to the student's career, and high-quality research related to the sustainable management of agricultural and natural resources. 

Only offered for Spring semester.

Application Deadline: October 15

How to Apply: Visit the McNair Bostick Scholarship application form link.

Ken and Cindy Campbell Graduate Fellowship

The Ken and Cindy Campbell Graduate Student Travel Scholarship was established in 2015 to support graduate students researching water-related issues in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE) at the University of Florida/IFAS. Scholarships of up to $1250 are awarded in support of expenses related to travel to research projects, competitions, presentation of a paper at a professional conference with attendance at an academic or professional organizational meeting, and participation in a competitive unpaid internship or workshop.

Only offered for Spring semester.

Application Deadline: March 15

How to Apply: Visit the Ken and Cindy Campbell Graduate Fellowship form link.

Allen R. Overman Memorial Scholarship Endowment

This scholarship supports Agricultural and Biological Engineering students.

How to Apply: TBD


To obtain a departmental assistantship, graduate students should contact specific faculty members in areas of their research interest. If the student meets the faculty member's requirements and there is funding available, then an assistantship may be offered to the student by the department or the specific faculty member. For a complete list of our department's faculty members, visit the faculty directory.

College Awards

UF Graduate School Graduate Student Mentoring Award

Per the Graduate School Awards Page:

"The Graduate Student Mentoring Award (GSMA), coordinated by the Office of Graduate Professional Development (OGPD) within the University of Florida Graduate School, honors notable engagement of graduate students in:

Each year, a GSMA committee of faculty and staff with experience in mentoring chooses six graduate student applicants for one-time awards of $500 each, basing their decisions on the applicants’ academic and professional accomplishments, their mentoring philosophy, their effectiveness as a mentor, and their impact on their mentees’ academic and professional growth."

Application Deadline: March 1, 2022

How to Apply: Instructions listed on the Graduate Student Mentoring Award web page.


Per HWCOE Website:

"Established in 2010 as part of the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering’s centennial celebration, the Attributes of a Gator Engineer embody the college’s expectations of all students and faculty. Awards are bestowed upon the undergraduate students and graduate students who best represent each quality.

Creativity: imagination, versatility, artistry, ingenuity, curiosity, resourcefulness
Leadership: entrepreneurial, engaging, effective, professional, visionary, inspiring
Integrity: honest, ethical, hardworking, persistent, drawn to right action
Professional Excellence: technical competence, area expertise, insight, resolve
Service to the Global Community: tolerance, respect, interdependence, cooperation, compassion, expanded awareness of financial, societal, legal and cultural influences"

Nomination Deadline: February 24, 2023
How to Nominate: Visit the Gator Engineering Attribute Award page and complete all required forms.

Other Funding Resources

We encourage you to apply early to be eligible for funding opportunities.

Giving Opportunities

The ABE department has a long history of honoring our outstanding students, staff, faculty, and alumni through awards and recognitions. Many of these awards are made possible by generous donations for which we are extremely grateful.

If you are interested in contributing to one of these awards, visit our Give page. If you have any questions or would like to establish a new award, please contact Kati Migliaccio (klwhite@ufl.edu).