103 Frazier Rogers Hall
P.O. Box 110570
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-0570
Phone: (352)-392-1864 X 103
Fax: (352)-392-4092
Email: ztong@ufl.edu
Bioenergy: Sustaining and Fueling Florida Program aims to provide instruction and training to the clientele (UF Faculty in county, Bioenergy plants, farmers) across the state. Our team focuses on the state-of-the-art conversion technologies from biomass (agricultural residues and forestry biomass) to energy and novel biomaterials. Our team is dedicated to providing the knowledge about the biomass characterizations, bioenergy conversion technologies, bio/chem- process design and value-added bio-based materials and their application in agricultural areas to Florida county faculties, bioenergy plants, farmers, and other practitioners.
The objectives of my extension program are to 1) transfer knowledge about bioproducts through education activities (4-H program, EDIS publication, extension presentation, workshops, extension website, electronic media etc; 2) Assist government agencies and stakeholders in the delivery of biofuels in Florida (Process Scale-up and Integration).
Bioenergy, biofuels and biomaterials from Agricultural Waste
1. Long-Distance Course
“Bioenergy, biofuels and biomaterials from Agricultural waste: Fundamental s, Processes, Technologies and Systems”, was offered as In-service-training course in 2012 (credits: Dr. Pratap Pullamanappallil, IST 30464). This course will be taught in UF in an annual basis.
This training is now open for UF faculty and students. To register, please contact Dr. Zhaohui Tong (ztong@ufl.edu) or Dr. Pratap Pullamanappallil (pcpratap@ifas.ufl.edu ).
More Information:
“Bioenergy, biofuels and biomaterials from Agricultural Waste” Training Course (73KB PDF)
2. Cellulosic Bioethanol Processes
Started from 2010, Dr. Tong had devoted to conducting tours of UF Cellulosic Bioethanol Pilot Plant to different audience (international and domestic, college students, high school students, extension agents, other academic researchers, 4-H agents, industries and government agents). (Credit: Professor Lonnie Ingram, Department of Microbiology and Cell Science, UF)
In 2012, UF/IFAS partnered with Buckeye Technologies, Inc., to build the Stan Mayfield Biorefinery Pilot Plant in Perry, Florida. (Credit: Professor Lonnie Ingram, Department of Microbiology and Cell Science, UF)
Photos for Cellulosic Biorefinery Pilot Process
More information for bioethanol topic, please refer to EDIS.
The application of bio-based residues on soil applications and other agricultural areas
This project focuses on the use of low-cost biorefinery residues to improve the efficient use of water and fertilizer on Florida Sandy Soil. This work is closely collaborated with Dr. Guodong Liu from Horticulture Sciences Department, Dr. Kati Migliaccio and Dr. Yuncong Li from UF Tropical Research & Education Center.
Research Page related to this project:
K-12 Youth Summer Camp
Our lab is dedicated to transferring knowledge to K-12 students. Our research group is collaborating with Dr. Eric Mclamore�s lab to co-organize a one-day �Biological Engineering� workshop for the 4-H University in an annual basis starting from 2011.
More Information, please contact
Dr. Zhaohui Tong, email: ztong@ufl.edu
Dr. Eric S. Mclamore, email: emclamor@ufl.edu