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Center for Remote Sensing

Center for Remote Sensing

Innovative, Engaging Teaching

We’re dedicated to providing graduate and undergraduate students with the opportunity to gain new, advanced knowledge and skills in remote sensing, GIS, and AI-enhanced geospatial technologies. We also teach the next-generation workforce how to use remote sensing and GeoAI for agriculture and natural resources.

Our facilities at CRS are specifically designed to support teaching and research activities. We offer a range of courses on campus and online, including in-person and online coursework options, intensive remote sensing and GIS short courses, and training workshops.

Our lab computers are housed in a world-class supercomputer environment, enabling students to run a variety of remote sensing imagery processing, geospatial AI data analysis, and visualization tools.

Our courses are designed to equip students with a comprehensive set of technical skills. Students learn data management, how to automate geospatial processes, and how to collect satellite Earth data. They also gain a solid understanding of core remote sensing and geospatial concepts and knowledge that are highly sought after by employers in today’s job market.

At CRS, we understand the importance of keeping up with technological advancements, including updating labs, courses, curriculum, and research practices. Our courses and workshops adapted to the shift from desktop-focused to web-based, open-science applications. Our data-driven ‘modern’ approach to teaching allows our students to be at the forefront of the remote sensing field.

High-Tech Teaching Spaces

Our classrooms are equipped with advanced audio and video technology. This setup allows us to conduct engaging, interactive classes in person and remotely with local and international partners. Both CRS lab and ABE classrooms foster teamwork, exploration of remote sensing and GeoAI applications in agriculture, and development of high-demand technical skills. Our goal is to prepare students to become leaders in remote sensing and GeoAI through exceptional training.