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Center for Remote Sensing

Center for Remote Sensing


Join us in advancing sustainable agriculture by donating to the UF/IFAS Center for Remote Sensing
Increased agricultural production, water scarcity, food security, and drought are pressing challenges. But together, we can make a difference. By supporting innovative remote sensing research, you play a vital role in addressing these challenges. 
Opportunities to donate to the UF/IFAS Center for Remote Sensing
Through charitable gifts (tax-deductible donations), we can better support our faculty, students, and staff engaged in interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach/extension programs. We use remote sensing and geospatial AI technologies to solve complex agriculture and natural resources challenges.

  • Scholarships: We invest in the brightest minds dedicated to solving agriculture, water, and food security issues. Our donors allow us to give student scholarships so the next generation of remote sensing and geospatial AI professionals can receive a top-notch education.
  • Research Resources Support: Your donation helps us acquire essential research materials, equipment, and resources for groundbreaking research.
  • Enhance Educational Outreach: With your support, we improve educational programs, public outreach activities, and events that empower communities.

Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. Join us in shaping the future of sustainable agriculture and natural resources management. Together, we can create positive change.

Giving Questions?

IFAS Development Office
1001 McCarty Hall D 
PO Box 110170 Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone : (352) 392-1975 Fax : (352) 392-5115

Contact Us

Center for Remote Sensing
University of Florida
1741 Museum Road
280 Frazier Rogers Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611

(352) 294 - 6750
(352) 294 - 6718