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Florida AgrAbility - Cultivating Accessible Agriculture

Florida AgrAbility - Cultivating Accessible Agriculture

Agricultural Certifications

AEST: Agriculture Education Services & Technology, Inc. (AEST), a Florida Farm Bureau subsidiary, is supplying the agriculture industry with a certified workforce. AEST began by developing industry certifications, stepping up to the needs of the agricultural industry. It is the intent of Agriculture Education Services and Technology, Inc. to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and to accommodate examinees with language limitations. AEST provides common accommodations for industry certification exams as necessary. Accommodations may alter the testing environment or the administration of the exam, but will not alter the content of the exam. All accommodation requests must be submitted online prior to testing within a reasonable timeframe, that allows for review and implementation of approved requests

Work Ready Florida: Work Ready Florida is a grant-funded program for any Florida teenager in which Florida teenagers are invited to participate in a virtual 4-H club where they will prepare for Agriculture Education Services & Technology, Inc. (AEST).