Research > Nanomaterial Synthesis and Self-assembling
Nanomaterial Synthesis and Self-assembling
- Synthesize polymer nanohybrid with asymmetry nanostructure
- Investigate the effects of nanohybrid on the miniemulsion polymerization mechanism
- Develop novel biocompatible nanocomposites (cellulose-based, lignin-based or biopolymer based) using varied self-assembling techniques and explore their application in drug delivery, biosensor and agricultural areas.

SEM images of hemispherical particles of polystyrene latex with the addition of 30 wt.% (ar-vinylbenzyl) trimethylammonium chloride (VBTAC)-Modified Saponite

SEM Images of nanofibrille cellulose (NFC) hydrogel derived from biorefinery pulp sludge treated by a mild maceration followed by a disc-refining treatment