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Center for Remote Sensing

Center for Remote Sensing

On-Campus Courses

Are you interested in learning more about the diverse applications of remote sensing, geospatial analysis, and artificial intelligence?

Below is a list of courses offered across UF that explore these fields. These courses are well-suited for undergraduate and graduate students from various departments  and provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills applicable to agriculture, natural resources management, forestry, mining, infrastructure, urban planning, and disaster management.

Note: Course offerings in specific semesters are subject to change. For additional information on courses offered during specific semesters, see: UF Registrar's Schedule of Courses and Course Search Catalog .

Course Number Title
ABE 4034 Remote Sensing in Engineering: Science, Sensors and Applications
ABE 6035 Advanced Remote Sensing: Science and Sensors
ABE 6037C Remote Sensing in Hydrology
AOM 4434 Precision Agriculture
AOM 5431 GIS and Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Natural Resources
AOM 5435 Advanced Precision Agriculture
DCP 2001 Introduction to GIS I
DCP 2002 Introduction to GIS II
EEL 3402 Remote Sensing in Engineering: Science, Sensors and Applications
FES 3153 Communication and Informational Technology
FNR 3410C Natural Resource Sampling
FOR 3434C/5435 Forest Resource Information Systems
GEO 3430 Population Geography
GIS 3001C Geovisualization and Map Design
GIS 3043 Foundations of Geographic Information Systems
GIS 3072C Geographic Information Systems
GIS 4021C Aerial Photo Interpretation
GIS 4037 Digital Image Processing
GIS 4102C GIS Programming
GIS 4113 Introduction to Spatial Networks
GIS 4115C Spatial Surface Modeling and Geostatistics
GIS 4121 Geospatial Analysis
GIS 4123C GeoAI – Geographic Artificial Intelligence
GIS 4124 Geocomputation using R Programming
GIS 4324 GIS Analysis of Hazard Vulnerability
GIS 4500 Population GIS
GIS 4911 Undergraduate Research in Geospatial Trends
GIS 5008C Maps and Graphs
GIS 5038C Remote Sensing
GIS 6103 GIS Programming and Customization
GIS 6116 Geographic Information Systems Analysis
GIS5028C Advanced Aerial Photo Interpretation
GIS5107C Geographic Information Systems in Research
HFT 4446C GIS and Spatial Analysis for Tourism and Social Data
MET 4410 Radar and Satelittle Meteorology
MET 4750 Spatial Analysis of Atmospheric Data using GIS
SUR 3331C Photogrammetry
SUR 4380 Remote Sensing
SUR 4501C  Foundations of UAS Mapping
SUR 5365 Digital Mapping
SUR 5385 Remote Sensing Applications
SUR 5386 Image Processing for Remote Sensing
SUR 6375 Terrain Analysis and Mapping
SUR4350C Advanced Photogrammetry 
SUR4376/6377  Geospatial Applications of UASs
SUR4940C/6940C Practicum in UAS Mapping
SUR6395 Topics in GIS
SUR6934 Topics in Geomatics: Principles and Applications of Radar 
SUR6934  Analytical Photogrammetry
SWS 4720C GIS in Soil and Water Science
SWS 5721C GIS in Land Resource Management
SWS 6722 Soil-Landscape Modeling
URP4230  3D Geospatial Urban Modeling and Visual Simulation
URP 4273 Survey of Planning Information Systems
URP 4283 Automation for Geospatial Modeling and Analysis
URP 6270 Survey of Planning (Spatial) Information Systems
URP 6271 Planning Information Systems
URP 6272 Advanced Planning Information Systems (Spatial Statistics)
URP 6276 Internet Geographic Information Systems