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Center for Remote Sensing

Center for Remote Sensing

CRS Affiliate Members

Are you a UF faculty or student interested in remote sensing-related research? Join our CRS community! With our diverse portfolio of research, educational and Extension/outreach efforts, together, we can harness the power of interdisciplinary remote sensing-based solutions to address local, regional, and global challenges in managing agriculture and natural resources.

Membership Benefits

  • Networking Opportunities: We conduct meetings, seminars, and special events to facilitate faculty connections, enabling collaborations.
  • Interdisciplinary Research Teams: We create interdisciplinary teams that work together on research, Extension, and education initiatives to develop remote sensing and GIS-based solutions.
  • Proposal Development Support: We enable the development of remote sensing-based research proposals.
  • Funding Opportunities:
    • Notifications: We help identify funding opportunities and provide members access to a personalized search carefully curated for remote sensing research.
    • Seed Funding: We provide small grants to kick-start pilot projects selected through a competitive process*.
    • Offset Publication costs: We provide matching funds to assist with publication costs*.
  • Visibility and Impact: We showcase members' research and achievements on our website and announcements, amplifying their visibility and impact.
  • Access to Data, Field Observations Reports, and Computational Resources: Members have access to data and geospatial tools for extracting, processing, visualizing, and analyzing satellite data.

*These benefits are available to members who contribute a portion of their IDCs to the CRS.