Christopher J. Martinez, Ph.D
Research Group:

Current Members:

Christopher J. Martinez, Ph.D
279 Frazier Rogers Hall
PO Box 110570, University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone: (352) 392-1864 x279
Fax: (352) 392-4092

Ph.D Students:
Jerome Maleski

Jerome received his BS in physics from Penn State. His research is focused on the Apalachicola-
Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) and Alabama-Coosa-Tallahoosa river basins, where he is evaluating historical trends in precipitation, temperature, and drought; evaluating inter-annual, decadal, and multi-decadal variability; and evaluating the potential to improve drought forecasts.

Yogesh Khare

Yogesh eaned his BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Mumbai and his MS in Civil and Coastal Engineering from the University of Florida. His current research involves conducting a global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the Watershed Assessment Model (WAM). Visit Yogesh's website.

Masters Students:
Research Associates:
Mayank Thepadia

Mayank received his BE degree in Civil Engineering from rom G.S Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, and his MS degree in Civil and Coastal Engineering at UF. His work included developing a spreadsheet tool for wet-weather storage requirements of slow-rate reclaimed water land application systems and estimating reference evapotranspiration using minimal data in Florida.

Amey Bhide

Amey received his Masters degree in Computer and Information Systems Engineering at the University of Florida. His work has involved developing online tools for determining the quantity of nutrients supplied in reclaimed water and the design of rainwater harvesting systems.

Aditya Karnik

Aditya received his Masters degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering at UF. His research focused on developing decision support tools for source water allocation decisions and how climate forecasts can be used to inform decisions.

Past Members:

Post-Doctoral Research Associates:
Dr. Jessica Bolson

Jessica received her PhD from the University of Miami. Jessica's work at UF included conducting surveys and interviews to assess the use of seasonal climate forecasts in water resource decision making. Jessica is now at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Janak Timilsena

Janak received his PhD from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas specializing on paleoreconstruction of streamflow in the Colorado River. Before joining our group Janak worked as a water resources engineer for PBS&J in Henderson, Nevada. Janak's work involved evaluating the use of climate information in source water allocation decisions. Janak is now working for Idaho Power.
Masters Students:
Joseph Beneche

Joseph received his BS in Agricultural Engineering at the Faculte d'Agronomie et de Medecine Veterinaire (FAMV) in Haiti with a specialization in Rural Engineering. For his research he modeled the River Grise watershed in Haiti, with the ultimate goal of improving flood forecasting. The River Grise is a subwatershed in the Cul-de-Sac watershed which includes the capital of Port-au-Prince and is one of the most flood-prone in the country.

Susan Risko

Susan received her BS from the School of Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Florida. Her research involved using large-scale climate information to develop a probability of exceedance streamflow forecasts in the Tampa Bay region. She has since founded the NGO, Live With Nature, Inc. focused on sustainable development initiatives that support organic, small-scale agriculture, infrastructure design that respect existing natural systems, and education opportunities through skill-sharing programs, all of which takes place in impoverished areas of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

Jon Alldridge

Jon recieved his BS in Agricultural and Biological Engineering from the University of Florida. His research involved determining outdoor irrigation hydrographs from municipal water billing data and using seasonal climate outlooks issued by the Climate Prediction Center to forecast municipal outdoor irrigation demand. Jon is currently a Flight Test Engineer with Sikorsky Aircraft and is also pursuing his Master of Engineering Management from the University of Colorado Boulder.

Ph.D Students:
Di Tian

Di earned his BS and MS from the China University of Geosciences, Beijing. His research included downscaling numerical weather prediction models and global circulation models to produce short-term and seasonal forecasts of reference evapotranspiration in the southeastern USA, improving municipal water demand forecasts, and evaluating the North American Multi-Model Ensemble. Di is now a Postdoctoral Research Associate with the
Terrestrial Hydrology Research Group at Princeton University.

Robert Rooney

Bob earned his BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Arizona and his ME degree in Environmental Engineering Sciences from the University of Florida. For his dissertation work, Bob evaluated the global sensitivity and uncertainty of a forecast-analog approach to produce an ensemble downscaled and bias corrected precipitation forecasts using a retrospective forecast dataset.