About the Precision Water Management Lab
Security and sustainable development of our water resources and food production, while minimizing the negative impact on the environment are the grand challenges globally. The contamination of ground and surface waterways due to agricultural nitrate leaching and runoff further complicates water quantity vs. quality dynamics vs. crop productivity and interrelationships. The study area of precision water management holds enormous potential in terms of quality research to address several water quality and quantity issues.
The precision Water Management lab is designed to address these challenges by developing and adopting precision agricultural water and nutrient management technologies and strategies. Specific objectives include:
- Measurement and modeling of Integrated irrigation and nutrient strategies to enhance/improve water-nutrient use efficiency,
- Reduce agricultural water use, measuring and modeling crop evapotranspiration.
- Reduce the impacts of agricultural management practices on downstream resources, users and water quality.
- Impact of climatic variability/change on crop water productivity.
- Application of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for greater understanding and decision making in agricultural sustainability and water resources.
Presentation Excellence Award, ASABE Annual International Meeting, California | July 2024: Awarded for the oral presentation on "Optimizing Nitrogen Management in Corn Cultivation using DSSAT and Machine Learning Tools to Enhance Yield and Environmental Sustainability | Singh, R. K., & Sharma, V." in the session on New Methods in AI and Machine Learning for Agriculture. Recognized in the top 15% for excellence in content and delivery.
Varshitha got Second prize for Graduate student Poster competition at FLASABE 2024 – held on June 13th, 2024, at Jensen Beach, FL
Title of the poster: Analyzing Potato Response to Different Irrigation and Nitrogen Applications in Suwannee Valley Using Substor- Potato Model
Brief description: This poster evaluates the DSSAT-SUBSTOR model's effectiveness in simulating potato growth parameters, biomass, leaching, and tuber yield under various irrigation and nitrogen application regimes. Preliminary results indicate that while DSSAT accurately predicts growth parameters and yield, it tends to underestimate yields at lower nitrogen levels compared to observed data.
Precision Water Management lab member Varshitha received followed awards:
- Summer Travel award 2024 SNRE – Received SNRE Travel award for the Summer 2024
- Travel award water institute – Received a travel award from the Water Institute at the University of Florida to attend the ASABE Annual International Meeting held in Anaheim, California.
Precision Water Management lab member Varshitha presented in following presentations:
- Presented a lightening presentation at ASABE 2024
- Presentation title: Optimizing Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilization to Enhance Potato Growth, Yield, Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency
- Presented an oral presentation at ASABE 2024
- Presentation title: Analyzing Potato Response to Different Irrigation and Nitrogen Applications in Suwannee Valley Using Substor- Potato Model.
- Presented a poster in SNRE Research symposium 2024 held on 15th October
- Poster title: Impact of Irrigation and Nitrogen Application Rate on Potato Crop Coefficients, Crop Evapotranspiration (ETc) and Water Use Efficiencies
- Poster title: Impact of Irrigation and Nitrogen Application Rate on Potato Crop Coefficients, Crop Evapotranspiration (ETc) and Water Use Efficiencies
Winner, Graduate Student Poster Presentation Competition, Florida Section ASABE Meeting, Jensen Beach, Florida | June 2024: Awarded 1st place for the poster presented on "Strategic Nitrogen Fertilizer Application and Placement for Enhanced Yield, Efficiency, and Water Quality in Optimizing Corn Production Sustainability | Singh, R.K., & Sharma, V.”
Runner-Up, Graduate Student Oral Presentation Competition Florida Section ASABE Meeting, Jensen Beach, Florida | June 2024: Rakesh is Awarded 2nd place for the Oral presentation on "Evaluating Corn Yield and Nitrate Leaching under Controlled-Release Fertilizers: An Analysis Using CERES-MAIZE Model | Singh, R. K., Morrow, M., & Sharma, V."
Mr. Rakesh was awarded the 2024-25 Brelan E. Moritz Scholarship from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Florida, recognizing his academic and research recognition.
Mr. Rakesh received the Grinter Fellowship Award from the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Florida for the 2024-25 academic year, marking his third consecutive year of recognition.
Precision Water Management lab member Bibek Acharya Graduated from his PhD program

Dr. Susanta Das's paper has been published! The title of the paper is "Determination of Threshold Crop Water Stress Index for Sub-Surface Drip Irrigated Maize-Wheat Cropping Sequence in Semi-Arid Region of Punjab." The co-authors of the paper are Dr. Samanpreet Kaur and Dr. Vivek Sharma. You can view the paper through the following link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2024.108957.
Dr. Vivek Sharma received three awards:
a. UF/IFAS Large Grant Leader Award, for securing an external research grant totaling more than $1 million.
b. Outstanding Service Award, 2024, presented by Florida Section-American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) - This Award is given to a member of the Society who has served the section with distinction. The recipient is also seen as a representative of the Agricultural Engineering community in his place of work.
c. University of Florida, Water Institute Faculty Fellow Award, 2023, presented by UF Water Institute. recognize Water Institute Affiliate Faculty making outstanding contributions to interdisciplinary water-related research, Extension or education programs, and who are active contributors to the Water Institute.
Dr. Vivek Sharma received the 2023 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Larry W. Turner Young Extension Professional Award.
Precision Water Management lab member Dr. Vivek Sharma and graduate student Bibek Acharya received 2023 ASABE Blue Ribbon award for promoting excellence in informational materials outside of the traditional classroom setting. The publication awarded was “ Methods to Quantify In-Field Nutrient Leaching”. More detail about the publication can be found at https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-ae581-2022.
Precision Water Management lab member Bibek Acharya received 2023 Sanford N. Young Scholarship by the Florida Section American Water Resources Association (AWRA Florida).
Precision Water Management lab member Bibek Acharya received multiple travel scholarships, including (i) UF Water Institute Travel Award, (ii) Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Travel Grant and (iii) Graduate Student Council Travel Grant to attend and present the research findings at the 2023 American Society of Agricultural and Biological engineers (ASABE) Annual International Meeting held at Omaha, Nebraska.
Precision Water Management lab member Bibek Acharya, received Florida Association of Water Quality Control (FAWQC) travel scholarship to attend the FAWQC annual conference held in Naples, FL.
Precision Water Management lab member Bibek Acharya received 2023 McNair Bostick Scholarship from Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department at the University of Florida.