University of Florida

Turfgrass and Ornamental Plant Evapotranspiration
and Crop Coefficient Literature Review:
Turfgrass Species in Florida

Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum)

BahiagrassBahiagrass Bahiagrass is a warm-season grass that is used as a pasture grass on the poor sandy soils of the southeastern United States.

It possesses a great ability to persist on infertile, dry soils, and being resistant to most pests has made it increasingly popular with homeowners.  It develops an extensive root system which makes them one of the most drought tolerant lawngrasses and it has fewer pest problems than any other Florida lawngrass (Trenholm et al., 1991). Its main purpose is for protecting many Florida’s main roads and highways against erosion (Haydu et al., 2008).

Bahiagrass can be established as sod or seed. It has the best drought tolerance of all lawngrasses grown in Florida but is very sensitive to over-irrigation. A complete recommended fertility rates and additional management practices for this turfgrass throughout north, central, and south Florida can be find at Trenholm et al., 1991 and Newman, 2007.


Due to the tough leaves and stems, it is difficult to mow. It can be a very competitive and unsightly weed in highly maintained turf. It is not well suited for alkaline and saline soils.

Southwest Florida Water Management District