University of Florida


Irrigation Literacy Evaluation, Phase II

Sponsor: Southwest Florida Water Management District

Timeline: 3/02/2009 – 12/30/2010


This project has been developed as a Phase II of the Water-wise Irrigation Practices and Perceptions (WWIPP) survey. Phase I investigated outdoor water-use practices and perceptions of single-family homes, through a mail survey. The Phase I survey targeted lawn and garden practices, environmental skill, knowledge of ordinances, motives for conservation/use, and perception of community conservation/use of the typical household. Phase II will include an examination and review of various models based on social-psychological theories of behavior and change, (this is the study of how social conditions affect human actions). A model used with the collected data in Phase I can help to develop suggestions that can be incorporated to implement change in outdoor water use behavior for irrigation conservation. The model will be used to develop a scenario plan which can be used to weigh the options between impact and feasibility of an irrigation conservation campaign. From the Phase I survey conclusions, the ideal scenarios will be modeled to determine the most successful targeted water-wise irrigation education approach in Phase II. The application will include the development and implementation of campaigns to stress irrigation conservation practices.