Precision Agriculture Laboratory News
2020 ASABE Fellow
July 15, 2020
Congratulations to Dr. Lee on becoming an ASABE Fellow! For more information, please check:HERE

ASABE Robotics Competition (Advanced Division)
July 15, 2020
ABE Gator Robotics team participated in the ASABE Robotics Competition (Advanced Division) and won the Best Written Report. The team advisors are Dr. Ampatzidis and Dr. Lee, and the team members are Xue Zhou (Captain), Bryce Askey, Robert Herring, Congliang Zhou, Jacob Paulette, and Austin Kee. Xue Zhou and Congliang Zhou are PH.D. students in the Precision Agriculture Lab.

New Faces of ASABE 2020
Febuary, 2020
Precision Agriculture Lab alumni, Dr. Hao Gan was named one of the New Faces of ASABE class of 2020. Dr. Gan is currently an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee. For more information, please check:HERE

2020 Gator Day in Tallahassee
February 18, 2020
Dr. Migliaccio and our lab members (Xue and Congliang) are showing drones, autonomous robot, and thermal camera during the Gator Day event.
2019 Thanksgiving Dinner
November 23, 2019
2019 ABE Poster Symposium
March 14, 2019
Precision Agriculture Lab Ph.D. student, Xue Zhou won the 2019 ABE Poster Symposium as the Best Overall First-year Graduate Student. Her research title is "An Overview of Robotic Application in Strawberry Picking and Harvesting".
New Faces of ASABE 2019
Febuary 20, 2019
Precision Agriculture Lab alumni, Dr. Daeun Choi was named one of the New Faces of ASABE class of 2019. Dr. Choi is currently an assistant professor at the Penn State University. For more information, please check:HERE
PhD Graduation, 2018
December 14, 2018
A PhD candidate, Hao Gan, from the Precision Agriculture Lab graduated on December 14, 2018. He will be an assistant professor at the Biosystem Engineering and Soil Science Department in the University of Tennessee from April 1, 2019. Congratulations to Dr. Hao Gan.
Dr. Lee and Dr. Gan after the graduation ceremony at the O'Connell center.
Graduate Student award at 14th ICPA
June 29, 2018
Hao Gan, a PhD student at the Precision Agriculture Lab received the ISPA (International Society of Precision Agriculture) "Outstanding Graduate Student Award" at the 14th ICPA (International Conference on Precision Agricultue), Montreal Canada.
UF President Kent Fuchs visited the Precision Agriculture Lab
January 19, 2018
UF president Kent Fuchs (right) visited Precision Agriculture Laboratory on January 19th, 2018.
Dr. Lee (middle) was introducing the current research in our lab to President Fuchs.
President Fuchs and the department head Dr. Dorota Haman were with the Precision Agriculture lab members. From the left to the right are Dr. Haman, Dr. Lee, Chenglin Wang, Arumugam Kalaikannan, President Fuchs, Wansoo Kim, Yang Chen, Hao Gan and Thiago Onofre.
An Autonomous Citrus Yield Mapping System
Oct 12th, 2017 Video by Hao GanPhD Graduation, 2017
August 21, 2017
A PhD candidate, Daeun "Dana" Choi, from the Precision Agriculture Lab graduated on August 4th, 2017. She is now an assistant professor at the ABE department in Penn State University. Congratulations to Dr. Daeun "Dana" Choi.
Dr. Lee was hooding Dr. Choi during the commencement.
Dr. Lee and Dr. Choi were in front of one of the UF landmarks, the Bull Gator Statue.
Precision Agriculture Lab members went to the 2017 FL ASABE meeting
June 28, 2017
Dr. Wonsuk "Daniel" Lee and PhD student Hao Gan from the Precision Agriculture Lab went to the 2017 Florida section ASABE conference.
Dr. Lee and Hao were in the award dinner on June 23rd, after Hao winning the 2nd place in the Graduate Stuendt Presentation Competition
Dr. Lee and ABE graduate students were having breakfast with ASABE president Maynard Herron during the FL ASABE. From the left to the right are Thiago Onofre, Hao Gan, Maynard Herron, Joe Sagues and Dr. Daniel Lee.
Precision Agriculture Lab developed a postharvest inspection system
March 15, 2017
To enable precision agriculture technology in Florida’s citrus industry, a machine vision system was developed
to identify common citrus production problems such as Huanglongbing (HLB), rust mite and wind scar. Objectives of this research were 1) to develop a simultaneous image acquisition system using multiple cameras on a customized conveyor that rotates citrus fruit to allow the imaging hardware to acquire the entire fruit surfaces, 2) to develop a machine vision algorithm with a deep learning technique utilizing a convolutional neural network to accurately inspect the visual characteristics of fruit surface and distinguish HLB-infected citrus from fruit with other common defects and 3) to simulate real-time video processing utilizing a GPU for faster image processing. A real-time video processing with the state-of-the-art deep learning algorithm was developed and tested using uncompressed RGB video streams recorded from the developed hardware. Accuracy of various defect detection by the deep convolutional neural network was 100, 89.7, 94.7, and 88.9 percent for healthy, HLB, rust mite and wind scar classes, respectively. The system can be used in citrus packing houses or developed on a portable conveyor that identifies the severity of the diseases in particular locations and enables site-specific crop management in the field.
Precision Agriculture Lab Published a patent about a Method for Huanglongbing (HLB) Detection
December 23, 2015
Dr. Wonsuk “Daniel” Lee (the director of the Precision Agriculture Laboratory) and Dr. Alireza Pourreza (PostDoc) in colaboration with Dr. Eran Raveh (Agricultural Research Organization ARO, Bet Dagan, Israel), and Dr. Reza Ehsani (Citrus Research and Education Center, UF) published a patent on their Method for Huanglongbing (HLB) Detection. More information...
Precision Agriculture Lab researchers develop machine to count dropped citrus, identify problem areas in groves
August 12, 2015
University of Florida researchers Wonsuk “Daniel” Lee, Daeun "Dana" Choi, Reza Ehsani and Fritz Roka devised a “machine vision system” to count citrus fruit that has dropped early. The device is suitable for various conditions in citrus groves, including addressing problems of variable lighting, giving accurate estimates of dropped fruit counts and providing exact locations of trees with greater fruit drop, indicating a problem area...Full Story
Read more about this invention on The Washington Times, , Brazil Business Today, , noodles, ,, , Agri Marketing, , Southeast AG NET, , and Growing Florida.
Citrus Greening (HLB) detection sensor
February 25th, 2015 Video by Alireza PourrezaUF IFAS News released an article about the citrus greening detection sensor that was developed at the precision agriculture laboratory, UF.
January 28, 2015
While a commercially available cure for crop-killing citrus greening remains elusive, University of Florida researchers have developed a tool to help growers combat the insidious disease: an efficient, inexpensive and easy-to-use sensor that can quickly detect whether a tree has been infected.
That early warning could give growers enough lead time to destroy plagued trees and save the rest...Full Story
Read more about this invention on
Fresh Fruit Portal, Morning AgClips , Growing produce , Florida Research Consortium , and The World News.
PhD Graduation, 2014
December, 2014
Three PhD candidates, Alireza Pourreza, Mahmoud Agha, and Mazin Saber, from the Precision Agriculture Lab graduated in December, 2014.
From left to right are Alireza Pourreza, Mahmoud Agha, Mazin Saber and their advisor Dr. Daniel Lee.